thirty two

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(A/N: yahoo~~ three week time skip because i wanna hurry up and make them talk to eachother at school ,, also if i have any uk readers; when i say college/school i mean university! :>)

atsumu: one week left 😿

you: until?

atsumu: until you leave me forever

you: im going to be gone for 2 weeks

atsumu: youre going to leave me forever 💔

you: two weeks tsumu two

atsumu: sad long deep sigh

you: cant you just go to hyogo as well?

atsumu: woah are you inviting me to come rice farming with you omi-kun ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

you: no but
you: im assuming you have family there if thats your birth place, no?

atsumu: wellllll my mother lived there but they are never home because work
atsumu: like overseas work
atsumu: if i go there ill just be alone i would rather stay in the city with osamu and annoy the shit out of him everyday

you: but you said you moved to the city when you were young.. who with

atsumu: you ask alot of questions :P

you: im just curios

atsumu: i moved with my parents and when me and samu were old enough to live on our own they went back to hyogo
atsumu: we always had babysitters around

you: ohh okay
you: what do they work as?

atsumu: omi-kun
atsumu: do you want their credit card details too ??٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

you: no—
you: why would i

atsumu: because youre asking alot of personal questions

you: my bad im just curios

atsumu: yeah i know omi-kun is a curios boy

you: oh

atsumu: oh what? :>

you: nothing

atsumu: anyways!! what are you going to do about school
atsumu: youre going to be gone for 2 weeks but college starts in a week

you: this isnt middle school dumbass they wont care if im gone for a week
you: im paying for my classes so i get to skip them when i want

atsumu: wah really?? so i can skip classes and not get in trouble -_-?

you: well no shit what will they do about it message your parents?
you: why would they message a grown persons parent about skipping classes

atsumu: youre right
atsumu: im so dumb

you: no wonder why you get good grades you actually attend all your classes

atsumu: omiomi you say that like its a bad thing to get good grades and attend class (*'ー`*)

you: no its a good thing

atsumu: i know 😏

you: andddd hes back again

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