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Hi. Please enjoy this trashy fanfiction that I thought of at half three one morning. I would like to apologise to any poor souls that will read my work. Best of Luck.


Finally after another long night of typing away at his computer, the small teen pushed the orange button in the corner of his screen. Another one of his Bakugou x reader fanfictions was out to his 27 loyal wattpad followers. 

He called them his followers but Kaidou thought of them more as friends. WeebyEmo69 had been following him for months which is way longer than he had been friends with Saiki and Nendo.

It was early in the morning so his room was dark, the only light was being supplied by his computer on his desk. His eyes ached from the hours he spent perfecting the final chapters of 'A Member of the Agency Bakugou'. 

Just moments after he finished his work, Kiadou shut off his monitor and rolled into his bed. He probably wouldn't  get much sleep  but he can make up for that in the few days he has before he undoubtedly begins a new story.

Time skip brought to you by Coffee Jelly.


Kaidou's phone woke him up at 7 o'clock and made a horrible repeating beep. He was still tired from his writing session but it's not like his mother would let him stay home from school. She would either use the argument 'That isn't a good example to your brother.' or she would say 'Are you sure you want to give this impression to Sora?' Sora was his younger sister.

Anyway, Kaidou enjoyed school, sort of. He liked seeing his friends and only a few days ago a new transfer student joined. The new boys name was Aren and he didn't know much about him, he didn't talk about his past but it seemed he liked saiki. Yet who wouldn't want to hang out with him.

The blue-haired boy eventually moved his sleep deprived body just enough to turn off the alarm. He collapsed back down on to the mattress immediately after and sighed. It wasn't going to be an easy day.

"Shun!" His mother was calling from the hallway, "Its five past seven and I haven't heard you move out of your bed yet!"

Shun's mother was very... passionate about kaidous work ethic. She had written detailed study plans to make sure all of her children had the very best start in life. It's probably a good thing.

Reluctantly, he heaved himself from his bed and yawned. He staggered to his wardrobe and pulled out his uniform. It was a horrible green so to combat the ugly colours kiadou had ripped the edges of his shirt to fit him.

His wrists were always covered in a red ribbon he had been given by one of his old friend Mineo Nobuaki. Its strength protected his powers in his arm that the Dark Reunion were trying to steal.

After putting on the uniform, Shun looked in the mirror and, with a smirk, practiced his pose. While he did so he hummed the theme tune he had written for himself quietly.

"Shun are you done yet?"  His mother called from down the hall, " Your brother wants to say goodbye before he leaves."

Kaidou's smirk evolved into a toothy grin as he grabbed his school bag and headed out his door. Kaidou Toki wasn't just Shun's brother, but his biggest fan. He would usually wear outfits similar to him and, thanks to Kaidous stories, thought of him as a superhero.

Out in the hall, Toki was standing outside of his bedroom with their mother finishing tying one of his laces. On top of his head he wore a pair of goggles kaidou bought for him when he was younger, he hasn't taken them off since.

"SHUUUUUUN!" The youngest member of the Kaidou family called waving his arms about. Excitement filled his tiny body which it made it difficult for their mother to finish his laces.

"Hey little guy," he said walking over to him and crouching so they were the same height, " Did you have breakfast?"

"Yes, I had cereal and apple juice."  he replied, practically bouncing at this point.

"Ayy, well done. That's important remember." Toki looked up at his brother in awe like he had just given him the most life changing advise ever, yet he just told him to eat. "I have to go now, I'll see ya after school."

Kaidou ruffled the small boys hair and walked down the hall to the stairs. Despite telling his brother the exact opposite, he wasnt that hungry so he decided he would probably skip breakfast and have a big lunch.

"BYE SHUNNN" Kaidou smiled again. It was nice to have someone support you so much. His mother just forced him to do lots of work and his sister took no interest in anything he does.

Saiki and Nendo don't say much either. Sure, they're his friends yet Saiki doesnt care about anything. Nendo believes what he says about Dark Reunion but its Nendo so...

Shun checked his phone for any new messages as he thumped down the stairs. He and his friends usually walk to school together so they text eachother if they can't. He had three from Nendo saying, "Wear are you guys?", "I walked to school on my own." and "Why did you leave me?". They were all sent at half five in the morning so hopefully Nendo is safe.

He had another message from Saiki saying, "Nendo its half five. Go home." But considering he hadn't been online since 5:47 his phone probably died.

Laughing to himself, Kaidou opened the front door to his house and said one last goodbye to his family. It was another warm day and lots of people from where he lived stared leaving their houses.

One of which was Teruhashi, she was called by almost all the boys at school, and herself, 'the perfect pretty girl'. Behind her was a trail of drooling boys (and a few girls) willing to to anything for her. She was pretty but Kaidou didnt really see what the buzz was about so he usually pretended to like her to fit in.

Without warning, a car screeched around the corner, where Saiki and Kaidou where meeting, and sped straight to Teruhashi and her crowd. Most people gasped or screamed.

It was them. It was the Dark Reunion. Kaidou quickly ran back into his house to protect himself and look out of the window.

Suddenly, right before Shuns eyes, the car disappeared and the people acted like nothing happened. It was all so fast. No one even registered that they could have died. Was it real? Yes. It was Magic. Dark Magic. Dark Reunion magic.

I'm so sorry if you read this far.

Also can we all thank my wonderful partner for making the cover and the name for this book. 👏👏👏👏
And to one of my friends for encouraging me to write this.
And to my brother who had to sit through me reading this to him.

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