Moving day

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About two weeks ago my mom decided that we needed to move, by we I mean me, my mom, and my older brother Alex. We lived in a nice house out in Texas. I didn't really have a problem with moving because I don't exactly have too many friends. I mainly only speak to my two best friends, lily and jake. They are pretty much my only friends and I know how sad that sounds but I'm actually ok with it. I'm going to miss them way to much. I have about two hours before I have to be at the airport so lily, jake, and I are going to ride our penny boards all together for the last time. We pretty much talked the whole time and soon those two hours came to an end.
"I'm going to miss you guys so much" I said as tears start to form in my eyes. I'm not much of a cryer so this is a pretty rare sight.
I waved my finally goodbye as Alex gave me a hug, because he knows that it's hard for something to make me cry. We boarded the plane and I fell asleep about ten minutes into the flight and before I knew it we were in California.
"Wake up" alex says
After leaving the airport we head straight to our new house. It was the most amazing house I've ever seen, considering I'm from a small town in Texas.
I looked at Alex and started running up the stairs to get dibs on the biggest room.
The room was perfect. It had a window that led to the roof so I can chill up there when I needed some me time, just like I did back in Texas. I unpacked all of my things in about two hours and it was only four p.m. I put on a blue crop top that says forever young, black high waisted shorts, and black converse. I put on a snap back and went down stairs.
"I'm going to ride around and check things out"I yelled at my mom.
"Ok honey have fun" and with that I left. I had no idea where I was going and I also had no idea that my life would be completely changed.

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