The accident

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The wind blowing against my face is my favorite thing about penny boards. Riding a penny board is my escape from whatever's bothering me. I closed my eyes for a second, taking in the environment and just feeling good. But I hear a someone scream
I jerked my eyes open to see a car about five feet away (it is parked) I ran right into the drivers side of the car the. Fell to the ground and I hear a faint voice as I sit there throbbing.
"Oh my god are you okay?" I saw a boy standing over me.
"Not really. My ankle hurts and my knees are practically gushing blood".
The boy helped me up
"I can't walk. It hurts much."
"Here I'll help you get over to this bench to sit down. My name is kian by the way"
I replied with one word
"My house is a block away. If you want you can come over and get cleaned up"
I'm really not sure about this. I mean I just met him but I decided to trust him.
"That would be great. thanks kian."
"No problem. Let me help you walk there"
I rapped one arm around his neck and trudged to his house
"Are you new here?i haven't seen you around"
"Yeah I just moved from Texas"
"Cool. Well here we are"
His house was amazing. Are all houses like this here?
A kid who looked about 16 answered the door
"Kian!" Then he saw me "who is that?"
"This is Emily. She crashed her penny board down by the Taco Bell"
The kid looked surprised
"penny board? I like her already. Oh and my name is Trevor by the way"
"Hi Trevor" is all I said before kian pulled me inside and told me to stay on the couch. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs as two new faces appear "hi I'm connor" said one of them and the other said "hey I'm Ricky" all I manage to say is "Emily" I'm too shy when I first meet someone but when I know them I won't shut up. Kian comes down and tells me that I can go shower off in the bathroom. I follow him and mumble " thanks" once he opens the door.

After I showered off and came out of the bathroom i walked to the kitchen. There was a new face which looked very familiar. I just couldn't put my finger on it. He looked me over and had the same look as me. Then I figured it out.
He looked confused the his eyes turned to anger and hate as he said
He stormed out of the room and all the guys were staring at me.
"I think I'll go home now" I said in a quiet voice. And with that, I left.

I heard the door open but ignored it because I was way too tired. After about ten minutes of sleeping I finally got up and went into the kitchen. I started eating a slice of pizza that we had left from last night.
Then a girl comes in.
A girl that looked somewhat familiar but I just couldn't put my finger on it. She had the beautiful blonde hair and the most amazing blue eyes. That kinda reminds me of... Her.
Yep I was right. She reminded me of her because it was her... Emily.
"Emily" I said as rage swirled in my stomach. What is she doing here??? I can't stand to look at her. I'm going to my room

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