Chapter Twenty One

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23rd of March, 11:10 am


You stood in front of the mirror in your outfit- a beige sweater, black jeans and brown boots with layered necklaces around your neck.

A: 'Ugh, this is so cute!' she pops her head around your door frame, still in her pyjamas.

Since Alannh's parents had taken custody of you for the next month, you were staying in their guest room which meant sleepovers with Alannh every, single, night.

A: 'So are you guys going to talk about stuff or...' she questioned, curious

Y/N: 'No, I just want today to be having fun with him and to see if we still have the spark. With me away for 2 months and him half moving on with Mia, it's kinda hard to tell.'

A: 'Yeah, I get that. Where is he taking you?' she says, sitting down on your bed.

Y/N: 'Um, the zoo?'

A: 'Oh...'

Y/N: 'What? Was he supposed to take Mia or something?' you turn around, putting in your silver hoop earrings.

A: 'Oh, no. I don't think so but don't you remember?' you shake your head confused. 'It was like your first date, he took you to the zoo'

Y/N: 'Yeah, that wasn't our first date...'

A: 'Yeah it was. In like, year 8'

Y/N: 'No...Our first date was when I went over to his house to study'

A: 'That does not count as a date!'

Y/N: 'Yes it does!' We both laugh as we hear a knock on the front door.

You both rush down excited, Alannah equally as excited as you were for today. You open the door to him in a white shirt, holding a bunch of wild-flowers.

Y/N: 'Hi...'

R: 'Hi...'

A: 'Hi!' she says behind you. 'I'll take those, you two have fun' she chuckles, before taking the flowers and you both walk down the driveway.

R: 'Um, so...You want to...Um, get food?'

Y/N: 'Is Ruel Van Dijk nervous?'

R: 'Maybe'

Y/N: 'I'll just get food at the zoo it's fine' you chuckle as he pulls out of the driveway and starts to drive to the zoo.

He plays your playlist from your Spotify as you both sing and laugh over his voice breaks while he tries to hit the high notes. We arrive at the zoo and start to try and find a car park

Y/N: 'Oh! There's one there!' you clap but he keeps driving

R: 'That's just a super small car dumbass' you roll your eyes as he chuckles and pulls into another car park

Y/N: 'Do you have the passes?' you ask, both of you undoing your seatbelts.

He pats around his body but then starts to panic, grabbing his bag and pulling at every piece of it

R: 'No, no, no, no. Shit'

Y/N: 'Seriously?' you raise your eyebrows, did he actually forget the passes?

R: 'Yeah, I'm just joking' he chuckles as he pulls out the two passes from his bag and you shove him before getting out of the car.

You both walk into the zoo and instantly run-up to the African exhibition where you stood next to the giraffes, that created a big shadow

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