Chapter one~The City

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"Lily! You need to get up! It's the first day of school!" My mom says smiling at my door frame.

All I can do is stare at her and put my head under my pillow.

"I hate it here" I mumble to myself.

My mom then threw clothes at me.

"Be down stairs in five minutes!" My mom says with a huge smile on her face.

I was never a very happy person like my mom. I'm not a mean angry person, I'm just not really bubbly.

It's my first day of grade six. Great.

I get dressed and go downstairs. I'm wearing shorts and a t-shirt. My mom gave me a dress, but it was pink.....

When I sit at the kitchen table I can't help but notice that she's frowning at my clothes. I just ignore her sadness and my dad starts to talk. He's an electrician and my moms and party planner. Maybe that's why she's so bubbly.

"So are you guys excited for school?" My dad asks.

"Yes!" My brother says. Well how couldn't he be exited, he's only going into grade one.

"No." I say and my dad looks at me concerned.

"Why not?" He asks.

"Well don't get me wrong, I'm excited to see my friends, but come one, what's exiting about tests and homework?" I say, I think I make a good point.

"Good point" my dad says smiling at me.


"Lily!" My friends yell for me across our schools field.

I run up to them. I have two main friends. Gracie, she's likes colourful, sparkly things and Emily, she's really crazy.

"Hi guys!" I say.

"So how was your summer?" Gracie asks Emily and I.

"Interesting, fun" Emily said.

I just looked down. This summer I went riding. Only once but I got video of me riding so I can watch. I went bareback but it was still fun.

"I went riding" I say looking up at them.

"How many times?" Gracie asks.

"Just once, bareback." I say. I don't think Emily and Gracie are interested in riding, but I am.

"Well that's fun!" Gracie and Emily say.

Then the worst thing happens, the bell rings.


When I get home my moms waiting on our bench.

"I HATE SCHOOL!" I say collapsing on the grass.

"It's not that bad" my mom says.

"I hate living in the city! Why can't we live in the country? There's so much privacy and freedom!" I say.

"I'm fine with moving to the country" my mom says.

"No, no just listen..... Wait what?!?" I say extremely excited.

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