Chapter two~Meeting

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I lay in my bed thinking over and over what my mom said to me three days ago. It's Friday night and I am confused of what my mom meant by 'I'm fine with moving to the country'.


It's Saturday morning, about 9:30am. I get dressed, brush my teeth and hair, then go downstairs.

When I get downstairs my brothers playing with his Lego and my parents are sitting on the couch.

"Morning kid, why don't you two sit down" my dad said smiling at my brother and I, my brother got up and and sat on the couch beside my dad.

"So your father and I have been talking," my mom starts, "you've obviously shown that you hate living in the city, so we looked at some houses and...." She trails off looking like she's about to explode of happiness.

"And," my dad continues "we found a house affordable with a barn and a separate garage, the garage isn't that big but all the cars will fit." He says smiling.

"And?" I say smiling and getting hopeful, I just need them to say it.

"And we are renting the place!!!" My mom yells.

I practically jump up with joy! "When are we moving in?" I ask starting to get overly happy.

"We move in the Wednesday coming up, I hope that gives you time to pack and say goodbye" my dad says.

"No, no. It's perfect!" I say and run over to my parents and give them a hug.

"Well we should start packing, we have to be officially out of the house by Wednesday!" My mom said going to the garage to get boxes.


Authors note:
So I know that Lily sounds like a snob and that she forced her parents to buy the house, but she didn't. I just wanted to clear that up before comments come. She basically kept it to herself but occasionally told her parents. Also I actually can not believe that I got ten views all ready in chapter one! I only posted it today! Thank you to all my readers! And trust me the book will get dramatic(in a good/bad/not constant/ interesting), happy, funny and sad only before she moves!

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