Chapter twelve~First day

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The picture above is her new school!

What's your favourite type of breed?


It's my first day at my new school. I get up out of bed and put on jeans and a t-shirt that says Horses. I go to the bathroom to brush my teeth and finally I head downstairs.

"Are you excited?" My mom asks.

I just smile at her and say "can you drive Jack and I?"

My dad already went to work.

"Sure! Come on!" My mom says, why is she so excited?

I grab an apple and head to the car.


"Bye Lily! Bye Jack!" My mom yells from the car.

"Bye!" We both yell.

My brother notices a group of boys his age and runs over to them, I guess he made new friends.

When I'm walking up to the school doors I hear someone say,

"Your new"

I turn around and see a girl around my age sitting on top of one of the buses.

"Yeah, and why are you up there?" I ask.

"Oh right," she says jumping off the side.

The girl has blonde hair and blue eyes.

"My names Emma," she says smiling "you are?" She asks me.

"Oh I'm Lily" I say smiling back at her.

"Well Lily I guess I'll show you around" she says walking to the doors of the school.

When we enter there's a office with a secretary sitting at the desk.

"Hey Mrs.G!" Emma says smiling at her.

"I told you call me Mrs.Golborn." She says looking up at her.

Emma looks at me as if to say she's stubborn.

"Can I have Lily's class schedule?" Emma asks her.

"Lily..." She says turning to her computer.

"Ah here it is, Lily Grace." She says printing out a piece of paper.

"Here you go" Mrs.Golborn says smiling and giving me my schedule.

"Thanks" I say smiling at her.

"Bye Mrs.G!" Emma says teasing her.


"This school has lockers?" I say "we're only in grade six!"

"Yeah, only grades four and up have them, though." Emma says taking the paper from me.

"Huh." She says looking at the paper.

"What?" I ask.

"Well apparently your locker is right beside mine!" She yells.

Everyone in the halls looks at her.

"What? Haven't you guys ever heard a girl excited before?" She says and they all continue walking.

"Really?" I ask excited, not even bothered by what just happened.

"Yeah! Come on my lockers down there!" Emma says pointing down a hallway.

We run down the hall being carful be don't get caught by the teachers!

When we get to our lockers there's four girls standing by them.

"Hey Emma!" One girl yells.

"Hi! This is Lily!" Emma says.

"Hi Lily," the girl that yelled at Emma said smiling "I'm Claire" she said.

Claire had brown hair and brown eyes.

"I'm Brook" a girl with Auburn-gold hair and emerald green eyes said smiling at me. I smile back.

"I'm Megan" Megan says smiling at me. Megan has brown hair and brown eyes.

We all look at the last girl obviously not paying attention.

Megan elbows the girl in the ribs and smiles at me.

"Oh hi, Lily. I'm Eden" Eden says blushing.

"Hi" I say to them all smiling.

Emma looks at my paper.

"Cool, you have english with me first, math with Brook and Megan next, then third block you have art with Claire and finally fourth block you have French with Eden!" She says.

That's when the bell rings and they open their lockers to get their books.

I couldn't help but notice they had pictures of horses on the locker doors!

"You guys ride?" I ask.

"Yeah we all do" Emma says grabbing my arm and dragging me to class.

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