Chapter eleven~Riding

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*About three weeks later*

Winter is finally better! For the past three weeks I practised lunging him. He is really good!

It's Sunday. I'm starting school tomorrow so I decided to take my first ride on Winter!

To be honest I'm kind of scared to start at a new school! I mean, I don't know anyone!

I need to stop thinking about it in just going to get worked up over nothing!

I graphics my saddle pad, saddle, my stirrups are already attached, and bridle, which has the reins attached.

I already tied him up to tack him up.


I walk Winter out to the field, I have to walk him close to a fence so I can stand on it to get on the saddle, I'm still to short....

Once I'm on I walk him around a little, then I gallop, then canter, then back down.

He's a good boy.

That's basically the whole day for me!

'Tomorrow I'm going to school' I thought as I yawned walking winter back to his stall.

After I put him away I head back to my room.

It's about 9:00pm so I head to bed.

As soon as I hit the pillow I'm out cold.


Authors note:
Sorry the chapters have been so short! The next chapter and so on are going to start getting longer😄

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