Chapter three~Packing

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About five minutes ago my parents told me and my brother we are moving to the country! I am so excited!

"Here are your boxes, you only have these so make them count, tape, scissors, and a sharpie, I suggest you get rid of things while you go through them, also put the clothes you don't want in here," she says passing me a garbage bag "and we'll donate them!" My mom says.

"Okay" I say and smile at her.

"Oh and remember to label the boxes!" She says heading to her room to start packing.

I start with my clothes first, keep, donate, keep, donate..... That's basically all I did for thirty minutes.

Now I start packing the little things, snow globes, pictures, books, things like that. Well that took me a good hour and about ten minutes! I did four out of ten boxes so far!

Now I'm going to start packing the little things in a smaller box, I don't have a lot so it only took me ten minutes!

I clean, and pack, and clean, and pack until almost everything was gone. We left everything in my parents room, when it was done being packed until Monday when the truck comes! All that was left in my room was my bed. Nothing else.

I head downstairs to pack the family room with my brother while my mom does the kitchen and my dad starts the basement.


I look around. There's almost NOTHING left! All that's left in the family room is the tv and couch, the kitchen only has the table with the chairs, the fridge with no food in it, and the stove. My room, Jacks room, and my parents room where practically emptied and it took us TWO days! It's Sunday now and the moving truck is coming on Wednesday!

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