Chapter six~leaving

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Yesterday Gracie, Emily and I went to Starbucks. We got Vanilla Bean Frappuccino's and when it was time to go Gracie started to cry and we had a huge group hug.


My mom woke everyone up at 6:30 am! We got up and my mom tried to get me to put my day clothes on, but I just stayed in my pyjamas. My dad made breakfast but I skipped, instead I waited outside for the truck to show up, the people that own it are dropping it of then when we are done unloading at the new house my dad is going to drive it back to the rental place.

I sit outside on the bench for about ten minutes when the truck pulls up.

"Mom! The trucks here!" I yell through the door of the house.

My mom came outside to welcome the movers and a couple of minutes later the movers leave and we start to pack the van with our things.

We put the bed frames and couches in first then the boxes.


When we finish loading the van its 8:30 am.

My mom drives our car to the new house with my brother and I while my dad drives the truck.

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