Part 4

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A policeman comes running over to Polnareff. "Hey, you! You! I'm talking to you!"

"Huh?" Polnareff said confused.

"You! You threw this trash, didn't you? That's a fine of five hundred Singapore dollars!" The policeman said.

"What? Five hundred?" He said.

"In Singapore, the law says you will be fined for littering!" The police man said.

"Five hundred Singapore dollars..." Kakyoin said.

"That's about 40,000 yen." Joseph said.

"Trash?" Avdol said.

"What are you talking about?" Polnareff said. He looked down at his bag. Avdol snickered at the realization.

"I don't see anything here besides my own luggage. Would you be so kind as to tell me what trash you're referring to? Where is this trash, sir?" Polnareff said with a big grin on his face.

"That's your luggage?" He said.

"That's right." Polnareff replied.

"I-I'm terribly sorry." The policeman said before leaving.

Anne and Axel were laughing in the back until everyone stared at them.

"What's with the girls? Why are they still following us?" Polnareff asked Jotaro.

"Hey, weren't you going to go see your fathers?" Joseph said.

"Why don't you stop following us and get going?" Polnareff added.

"For the last time I'm not here to visit my dad! That's for Anne. Anyways she's meeting up with him in 5 days." Axel said angrily.

"I can go wherever I want! I'm not taking orders from you guys." She said before staring at Jotaro who was glaring at her.

"They'll be in danger if they stay with us." Avdol said.

"Maybe they don't have any money." Kakyoin said.

"All right... I guess we can pay for their hotel room. Polnareff, bring them, but don't hurt her pride." Joseph said.

"Got it!" Polnareff said. He walked over to Axel and Anne. "Hey! You're poor, right? We'll pay for you, so come on." Axel and Anne were confused which caused everyone except Polnareff to sigh.

"Well then, let us check in..." Joseph said.

They went into the lobby and checked in.

"I'm terribly sorry, but we are rather full at this time of year. The rooms won't be next to each other. Is that all right?" The lobbyist asked.

"Well, I guess we don't have a choice. Then for the rooms... Avdol and I will share a room..." Joseph said.

"Jotaro and I will share a room, since we're both students." Kakyoin said.

"That would mean the last rooms would be Polnareff and..." Joseph said. Anne jumped. "You're joking! Like I'd room with him! Axel, you take my spot!"

"What?" Polnareff said. They began arguing with each other. Axel sighed.

"Well, she is a child, but also a lady... Could you make it four rooms?" Joseph asked.

"N-No way! Anne get's her own room! I want my own room too!" Axel whined.

"We don't want to spend more money than we have to. You will have to deal with Polnareff." Avdol said. Axel sighed and grabbed the room key. Polnareff walked off. "Let's go. We've been through hell since we left Hong Kong. Let's hurry up and take a shower where it's safe."

Meeting the Crusaders!!! // JoJo and OC fan-fiction//Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin