Part 13

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Polnareff walked away from everyone. He knew he was responsible for his death. Jotaro watched as he walked off. The sun went down and they haven't heard from Polnareff in a while.

"Where did Polnareff go?" Joseph asked. Jotaro jumped from the boat.

"He's not here, either." Jotaro said.

"It's gotten rather dark. Where could he have gone?" Kakyoin wondered.

"He couldn't have run into the enemy, could he?" Axel said worryingly. Joseph told everyone to look around the island but don't get lost. Hours pass by and Polnareff comes running out of the grass, looking excited.

"Hey! You'll never believe this, guys! Who do you think I met?" Polnareff said.

"Polnareff! We were worried about you!" Axel said.

"Where did you get those wounds?" Kakyoin added.

"Were you attacked?" Jotaro finished.

"Who cares about my wounds? Listen! Don't be shocked, Jotaro! Don't let your back go out in shock, Kakyoin! Don't shed any tears of happiness, Axel! Who do you think I met, Mr. Joestar? Behold and rejoice!" Polnareff spun around and faced the grass. "Tum-ta-da-da! Here he is! That bastard Avdol was alive! Doo-do-doo!" Everyone was silent.

"Well, let's go." Joseph said.

"I'll help you carry your luggage." Avdol said.

"Hey, Avdol. It's been a while. How are you?" Axel said.

"Avdol, is that wound on your back all right?" Joseph said.

"It's fine. A bit stiff, though." Avdol answered. They began to leave.

"Hey..." Polnareff said.

"Has it really been two weeks? Thank goodness we're all still okay." Axel said.

"Hey..." Polnareff said again.

"Axel, what happened to your old clothes? Did they tear all the way?" Avdol asked.

"W-Wait a minute, you guys!" Polnareff said. They didn't hear him. "Hey! I said wait, you assholes! Hey, what's the deal with that attitude?! A guy who was dead came back to life! What the hell?! Why are you having normal conversations?!" 

"Oh, Polnareff, I'm sorry. When I said I buried Avdol in India... That was a lie." Joseph said.

"Wh- Wh- What?!" Polnareff jumped in the air like a scared cat.

"It was Mr. Joestar and Jotaro who tended the wounds on my head and back in India." Avdol said.

"Y-You assholes knew that Avdol was still alive in India, and you didn't tell me?! You, too, Axel?! Kakyoin?!" Polnareff yelled.

"We only found out the day after. But we couldn't let the enemy know. And since you have a big mouth... Pardon. Since you can't lie, we suggested that we keep it a secret from you." Kakyoin said.

"If you'd let the secret slip, Avdol couldn't have recovered in peace." Jotaro said while fixing his hat.

"We were planning to tell you as soon as we knew he was safe, but we'd had no idea you'd run into him first." Axel said.

"Oh, yeah, Avdol! Your dad is on the island! Let's let him know you're here!" Polnareff was about to leave but Axel grabbed his hand.

"Oh, that was Avdol in disguise." Axel said.

"Wh-What?! Th-Then you guys... That was all... Did you have to go that far?! How dare you guys leave me out like that?!" Polnareff began to cry.

"And I thought I was the crybaby!" Axel said. She put away Snap Shot, who was on her head recording Polnareff crying.

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