Part 7

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It was silent in the streets of India. Avdol was dead, Kakyoin and Axel were sitting near Avdol's body, and Polnareff was facing away from them.

"He's got such a strong face, and yet he died in an instant. Well, the end of someone's life is usually a pretty sudden curtain call. It's probably normal to die without being able to say goodbye. It may seem like I'm talking as though I know everything, but..." Hol Horse was saying. Polnareff was walking towards him.

"Polnareff! Please, don't let him get to you! Do you still not understand? Mr. Avdol told you not to fight by yourself!" Kakyoin said. Polnareff stopped walking. "And you ignored that... You wanted to get revenge, even if it meant dying with your enemy. Mr. Avdol followed you because that worried him, and this is what happened! If he wasn't there to save you, you could've been killed along with Axel."

"So what am I supposed to do?" Polnareff asked angrily.

"We need to fall back for now." Kakyoin replied.

"Avdol was cruelly stabbed in the back. My sister was killed without resistance. You want me to hold these regrets inside and run away?!" Polnareff said.

"Don't fight them when we don't even know how their Stand works yet! Don't fight a battle that will kill you! That's what Mr. Avdol was trying to tell you." Kakyoin said.

"Hey! Come on, li'l Pol Pol." Hol Horse was taunting Polnareff.

"Why, you..." Polnareff was about to lose his temper.

"Polnareff! Slowly come back towards me. We're going to use that truck to get out of here." Axel said.

"Y-You're telling me to hold it in?" Polnareff said. He started breathing heavily but calmed down. "A-All ri-"

"Hey, Polnareff." The Hanged Man was in the mirror of the building. "Avdol died for you. I think that means you owe him. He might not have died, if not for you."

"Y-You bastard. Where's your real body?!" Polnareff was looking around.

"Polnareff, calm down!" Kakyoin said.

"But there's no need to be sad. Actually, you should be happy... Since you'll be together again soon. You'll die, and then you can be with those two fools in the next world." He pulled out his blade "Your little sister was really cute, Polnareff... Once you're reunited with your sister, you should ask her about how exactly how I killed her!"

"Polnareff, don't let him provoke you! He wants you to attack!" Kakyoin yelled. Polnareff pulled out Silver Chariot and tried to slice The Hanged Man but it just broke the glass.

"Your Chariot cannot cut my Hanged Man. I am within a mirror. Your Stand can't enter a mirror. That's why!" He put his hand on Polnareff's shoulder. "You mad? I bet you're mad. Hey, Hol Horse. Fire away. Let's put an end to this idiot."

"Aye aye, sir." Hol Horse brought out his Stand and shot at Polnareff while Hanged Man was going to stab Polnareff. "Die!" 

"Emerald Splash!" Kakyoin said. Hierophant Green shot emeralds around and hit Polnareff, knocking him out of the way.

"What? He shot...Polnareff." Hol Horse said. A truck was coming through, it was Kakyoin and Axel. Axel let out her hand and Polnareff grabbed it and let himself in the truck.

"Kakyoin, was it? Not bad." Hol Horse pointed at the truck but didn't shoot. "That's out of my Stand's range. Even if I hit him from here, the bullet wouldn't hit with much force." Hol Horse went to the glass. "Mr. Centerfold went after them, eh? He must really want to finish Polnareff off."

"S-Sorry, Kakyoin. Sorry Axel. I-I...I thought I didn't care if I died so long as I could avenge my sister. But I understand now... I almost put Axel's life on the line. I understand how Avdol felt. I won't let his feelings go to waste. I'll fight to keep living." Polnareff said.

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