Part 9

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"So, what do you think?" Axel said while coming out of the dressing room.

"Finally, you're done. You look like a belly dancer, what the fuck." Jotaro said. Axel put her hand behind her head.

"W-Well, I want people to know that I'm a girl, you know! Hehehe..." Axel answered nervously. They paid for their stuff and walked off to the airport.

"Hey, Axel..." Jotaro said.

"Yeah?" Axel responded.

"You have a curse from Dio, don't you?" Jotaro asked. Axel flinched.

"Y-Yes... it's because of my grandmother. She met Dio when they were both young. She was dying of a virus but she was pregnant with my mother. I don't know a lot of the story but my mom survived the crash and later, had me. I don't know when the curse started, but Dio plans to do something with me and I'm scared to know what it is." Axel said.

At the Airport.....

"Let go! Let go of me! Don't touch me in weird places!" Anne said while Polnareff was holding her.

"Shut up! Don't say it like that!" Polnareff argued.

"No I don't wanna! I want to go with you guys!" Anne stopped struggling when Joseph put his hand on her head.

"Little Miss. My daughter, who is Jotaro's mother... Her life is in danger right now. We're going on this journey to save my daughter's life. Give up on running away and go back home. I'm sure your parents are worried." Joseph explained. Polnareff let go of her so she can board the plane.

"Fine. I'll make you look good this time, Grandpa." Anne took a few steps and looked around.

"What's the matter?" Joseph asked.

"Nothing." She said as she boarded the plane. "See ya! Life is just a bunch of goodbyes!" She sat down at her seat and thought to herself. "But I did sort of want to see Jotaro and Axel before I had to go." She looked out of her window and saw them. They were walking through the runway.

"Bye-bye, Jojo! Bye-bye Axel! You better save your mom, no matter what! I love you! I'll be cheering you on!" Anne yelled. Axel waved at Anne while Jotaro stared.

The crusaders arrived in Pakistan. They got a jeep.

"Axel, why did you choose that style of clothing?" Kakyoin asked.

"No reason, no reason at all..." Axel said while looking at the scenery.

"Polnareff, is it safe to drive right now? It appears the fog in this area is getting quite thick." Kakyoin said.

"Yeah. It might be a little bit dangerous. Since there's a sheer drop to one side, and no guard rail. Indeed." Polnareff said. "The fog gets thicker up ahead."

"It's not even 3:00 yet, but I guess we have no choice. Let's find a place to stay in that town for the night." Joseph suggested.

"I wonder if there's a nice hotel." Polnareff added.

"A nice hotel?" Kakyoin said.

"One that has a decent toilet, of course! I still can't get used to the toilets in India and West Asia where you wash yourself with your own hands." Polnareff said. They went to the town and saw no one was paying attention to them. Joseph tried to ask a shop keeper but he didn't answer them. They found a dead guy but no one payed attention to it. Eventually a old lady asked them if they needed a room in the hotel.

"Oh, this doesn't look too bad." Joseph said.

"Here, Kakyoin." Polnareff said.

"Right." Kakyoin went to sign the guestbook.

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