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Summer break was about to start and I pretty much only had one week to myself. I signed up for a lot of internships, but only was able to pick one. The internship was pretty much working under one of the staff at the university. All the "fun" internships were quickly filled, especially the ones that were abroad. I signed up for them all, considering I didn't declare a major yet. I always did internships to better help me get an understanding.

I got an email saying that me and two others got accepted in the entomology internship. I was a little shocked that I was picked for something science related. Normally, the actual science majors get picked for these internships. I looked more into the internship details to see what it was I was going to be doing. It wasn't anything too anxiety striking, but I was still nervous. I did some research on some of the bugs we were going to be looking at. For me specifically, I had butterflies and spiders, so that's what I looked at.

I also looked up who I was going to be working under, Dr. Asa Emory. I've heard some students, and even staff, mention him before. Typically described as boring and/or weird, yet very smart. I wasn't going to let those opinions sway mines. I never met him yet, so I was going to experience first hand. This was a 10-week internship, 5 days a week, 5 hours a day and $2,500 over the course of 10 weeks.

I never really did internships for the money, but it was always nice to be able to make some. We had the option to have it goes toward our tuition or to just receive a check. I had a full ride, and even some scholarship money. I was saving all of that just incase I wanted to partake in higher studies. My full ride only covers 5 years, and this is the end of my 2nd. I really hope I like this internship this year.

The university had a butterfly sanctuary, so I got up and headed there. Most of the students were gone for the summer, so I knew it was going to be empty. As soon as I entered I was stunned by it all. I knew I was going to stop by the school library and borrow a book on butterflies and spiders. I slowly walked around and looked at all the butterflies fluttering around. I got to the middle and saw a man sitting there with a butterfly on his finger. By his physical appearance, he looked as if he worked here.

"I hope I'm not disturbing you, I'm just trying to get familiar." I spoke softly.

He glance stayed on the butterfly for a second before his eyes landed on me. I noticed their color, and knew he wouldn't escape my mind easily. It's rare to find people with enchanting eyes, but his were also intimidating. He didn't speak, but I didn't feel too awkward about it either.

"Enjoy the rest of your day." I said as I continued to walk.

I stayed for maybe about 15 minutes, I passed the same man on the way out. I didn't speak, but I felt his eyes on me as I passed by. I didn't stop by the library, instead I drafted an email to Dr. Emory. I was never good with starting emails if I'm honest.

Hi Dr. Emory,

My name is Rayvn Greene and I was one of the students chosen for the entomology internship this summer. I wanted to contact you before the first day to introduce myself and to also get more information. I am not a science major, or have a specific major in general. I wanted your recommendation on which books I should look into to better help me for the internship.

The faculty did not attach any sort of guidelines or rules for the internship. If you have any that I should be aware about (i.e. dress code, cellphone policy, lab rules etc.). I was told was the duration of the internship, including time and pay. I, specifically, would be working with butterflies and spiders. If you could provide more details I'd greatly appreciate it. If not, I look forward to seeing you next week.


Rayvn G.

I went to the school store to buy a sweatshirt and slides to wear. I went back to my dorm, I was in the honors dorm, and had the room to myself. I pulled out my laptop until I heard my email chime.

Hello Rayvn,

I'd recommend looking at the books they have in the school library. The more up to date, the better. As for your actually internship, you'll mainly be data entry so no need to worry. Anything else, I'll be there to guide you.

As for dress code, it needs to follow the university standard, and no opened toe shoes. You'll be wearing a lab coat so no need to worry about anything else. Hair must be out of your face and no strong smelling perfume.

I'll go over everything else on your first day. I expect to see you at 9am, no later.


I was glad there were no strict dress codes, so I could be comfortable while working. I got up once again and headed to the library. You can purchase and rent out textbooks from here as well. I went to the textbooks section and went to zoology. I easily found a book on butterfly species and different kind of spiders. I went to the front and checked the books out for renting. They were practically brand new, so if I could've bought them, but I won't need them long term. If I do decide to continue entomology, I can just buy them later.

On my way out of the library, I saw the same man from the sanctuary. He held the door open for me to leave.

"Thank you." I told him as I left the building.

I received another email stating where I'll have to report to and Dr. Emory contact information, again.

I took the rest of the day easy, going to the café to eat dinner and watching a movie until I went to sleep.

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