Chapter 1: What being a conscious girl means

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Okay guys so here goes first chapter. This book is gonna be totally different from my style. Yes, it will be having my little tinge to it but it's alternation and design will be different. I really love this story and I am willing to work with all that I can give. This book will be including special aesthetics made by myself because I think they increase the beauty of the whole book further. Although the images do not belong to me. I am hoping to reach 20 comments on this update. The person with the most comments will get a shout out In the next update!!!


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                                                                             * Sarah's POV *

Stepping out into the mild warm breeze of New York, I couldn't help but let a smile caress my lips. This city had different connections to me. It's people, It's environment. Everything was what I was accustomed to. It almost felt as if it was way too peaceful here, or maybe it's just my mind playing tricks on me. I think I really need to cancel going to London. That place would never be like this one. 

''Huh...If I don't go now I will be missing the bus'' I told myself because literally I can go on and on forever in admiration of my life and the role this whole place plays in it. So walking quickly to the bus station because any second now I think the bus- OH GOD NOOOO!

''STOP!!!! HEY!! Wait for meeeee!!!'' I shrieked just as the bus started moving slowly. Feeling my legs suddenly go on nitro mode, I ran like my life depended on it and almost threw my stuff in an attempt to jump inside. Luckily a lady was helpful enough to move her hand forward and grab my sleeve to tug me in as I desperately tried to hold my stuff together. Still being dazed from the whole event, I rushed to the empty seat and sat down. Being the way too conscious girl that I obviously am, I looked around to see if anyone saw the little stunt I just pulled. To my sheer dread every eye in the bus was not only staring at me but also giving me this look that the female warrior of Wakanda gives to Bruce Banner when he is wearing the suit stark designs for him but hits a rock and falls in Avengers Infinity War. Don't get me wrong but one: I am a Marvel Fangirl. Two: Their glares were more than disturbing.

Trying to shrink my body to somehow just disappear from the scene, I sulked in the seat as much as it was physically possible for me. 

I hate attention!


The horrifying journey somehow came to an end only to make my life more miserable. I really have no idea what is the problem with either my body or my face that every person finds themselves obliged to stare at me continuously and constantly. It makes me so frustrated! Don't they have other people to stare? (zero percent cringe involved in that) 

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