Chapter 12: Scared but Safe

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Hello! I will just get back to the chapter as i hardly have time nowadays so Yeah! Also no aesthetic for today. Enjoy the view of Elijah above ;)

Author's POV


The morning seemed to never come. Well actually it did come. Her mind was just too tired to believe it was there. But it was. And she had to believe. So she eventually forced herself to do it.

Pushing her body to get up and get ready because it's been 3 days already and they only had 2 days to convince The Adriks to agree to their terms of the treaty, Sarah groaned as she reached the bathroom door. The sleep which abandoned her last night was trying to take control now.

She was welcomed with cold water hitting her.

"Oh Effing! Ahh...shi-..." Her eyes went wide open as she practically jumped out of the shower all while trying not to curse. Why did she not think about setting the water up when Lorenzo had already told her to do it? Face palming herself, she reached with her fingers to the knob and set the water to a balanced temperature.

If only her mind was awake when her body was.
But then again, her mind was awake and forced her body to be awake too. It's like everything was retaliating with literally everything it could with.

After the shower, she wore an outfit which she had bought earlier. It was clearly not her type. Dark, black and mostly secretive and dangerous.

But she had decided to buy all her wardrobe like that.
What's wrong with matching your wardrobe with what your life has become?


"Is Mr. Elijah awake?" Sarah found herself asking a gang member walking by. An amused smile crossed his lips before he quickly hid it and coughed.

"Uh- no. And he won't wake up any sooner." She looked at him like he was kidding her. 'What the heck?' She thought. It's been noon. What does he mean by not wake up any sooner?

"Excuse me? What do you mean by that?" Sarah asked pissed.

"It's Wednesday. It's his day off from gang matters. So he usually sleeps until evening." The man explained.


That's downright shit!

"Umm...could you please lead me to his room?" Sarah asked as politely as she could after hearing the thing that made her want to break something.

The man looked her suspiciously and opened his mouth to probably decline but then Sarah spoke again.

"Actually we are working on a project together. Mr. Romero assigned it to us. Himself"

That got him leading Sarah immediately to Elijah's room. She thanked the man and waited for him to leave before entering the room and sneaking upto the bed.

The shirtless figure of a very muscular Elijah met her eyes. She squeaked and turned around before shouting:


Some groaning then a little yell was heard next.


"WEAR YOUR FUCKING SHIRT!" Sarah yelled back.

The obvious thud of him falling off the bed was heard next and an 'oww'

Sarah rolled her eyes while covering them. This boy was acting as if just falling of the bed hurt him. And she was pretty sure he would at least have had a bullet pierce him once.

"Okay I am done" Elijah said in a much more muffled and tiny voice.

Sarah turned around and peeked in between her fingers. Elijah was wearing a blue shirt and was plopped on the bed face down.

"Get up and go dress yourself. Come down. We need to discuss things." Sarah said before going towards the door.

Little snores made her stop.


She rounded the bed and went to his side. She then picked up a water bottle, opened it and threw some water over his head. He didn't even give her a chance to move back and he suddenly shot upwards, propped up on his knees and grabbed her wrist hauling her forward not too gently. She stumbled, colliding with his front as she ultimately looked up to see his eyes blazing with destruction and demonish rage. Her own eyes widened then, making fear and vulnerability paint a clear picture in her eyes.

Elijah noticed it then, immediately regretting his angry behaviour as he let go of her wrist which he was holding way too harshly. She quickly scrambled backwards and kept moving away from him until she hit the wall. A gasp escaped her.

"Shit I am sorry. I didn't mean to act so harshly." He quickly apologized, getting off the bed and coming closer to her. She squirmed to get away but the wall was blocking her. She looked to her right and took off running but Elijah was fast this time too. He grabbed her arm again.

"Hey hey! I know I scared you but I said sorry. I know what you felt. It's okay. I won't harm you. I am sorry. " She turned around meeting his eyes that genuinely carried guilt in them. She slowly relaxed. Then turned around.

"It's okay. I am sorry too. I shouldn't have put water on you. I started it." Sarah claimed.

"Why were you here for?" Elijah asked.

"Get ready and come down. Then meet me in the discussion room." Sarah said.

"Keep it in my study. I am more comfortable there" Elijah said.

Sarah just nodded before heading down. Elijah headed to the bathroom to take a bath and get ready to go down.


Hello guys. Little update I know. But with school I feel like it is difficult to keep up.

Also I am into kpop these days. Like a hell lot!!! Especially Bangtan and blackpink. Also I just heard Sunmi's Gashina. I am currently listening to Daechwita: my fav rap.
So I was thinking on writing a BTS fan fiction. Not sure if I can do it. But I will definitely try. I love them so much.

Bangtan forever. Plus ARMY forever too!💜💜💜

Also to Blinks! Forever Blackpink!!!!🖤💗

Bye Bye Beautiful Readers!

Till Next Time!

Wania Ejaz Abbasi.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2020 ⏰

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