Chapter 10: Way with words

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Hello Beautiful readers! How are y'all? I am becoming more and more active with this story while I am lagging miserably with the other one (No Where Near Love) But I would do it...For Sarah's sake. 

Please stay by me in this journey.

How are y'all liking Elijah? I personally like his character. Be ready for Sarah's badass character.



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Writer's POV

"I need you," Sarah abruptly told Elijah. His eyes seemed to widen a bit and his right eyebrow inched upwards. Sarah suddenly realized how exactly that sounded like, and she tightened her jaw. In normal situations she might have blushed, but it wasn't a normal situation. 

Her life would maybe never be normal again.

"I meant for driving. I need you to drive the car for me." She corrected her sentence. Elijah nodded in understanding, looking down for a short time before he looked up again. 

"Okay." He said getting up and walking past her. It was only when he had walked outside the study, he released the breath he was kind of holding. 

"She fucking almost scared me...I literally thought she need-...nevermind." He said shaking his head as if the idea disturbed him. What he himself didn't knew was that his ears had already turned deep crimson at the tips...


"Where do you wanna go? Don't tell you have already made some plan and we are going to Adrik." Elijah said crossing his muscular arms over his taut chest, leaning over his dark car's side. Sarah couldn't answer him, all she was really looking at was the gorgeous car. 

It was a customized matte black Audi. Sarah stared at it for the longest before she felt a snap in front of her eyes. She blinked quickly and looked at Elijah who frowned.

"Don't look at my baby like that. You might end up hurting it somehow." He said as he went to sit on the driver's seat. Sarah followed suit. She was not really a person to be into cars; but this car, it was breathtaking. When she was able to get into it, she was greeted with more stuff to stare in awe at. The interior was super black as well. 

"By the way you still haven't told me where you have to go." Elijah asked as he started driving.

"To the mall." Sarah said plainly as Elijah halted the car and looked to his side to glare at her.

"No fucking way!" He said.

"I don't have any clothes. When I met you I had left everything behind, including them." She said glaring at him eye to eye. He looked at her hard, then eventually sighed. Starting the car again, he said:

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