Chapter 9: The Terms

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Hello my beautiful readers! I am happy with where the story is going. I believe the characters are developing in their own respective manners. You will feel Sarah kind of being "Weird" and her whole character changing all a sudden so much. But trust me that is because of our little bastard Michael. (I wish I could kill him already!)

But guys good news is that I am thinking about doing daily updates. Because yes, I want to be kind towards you all. 

Also I decided to do a Sarah's POV because I think her point of view was lagging behind.

Let this chapter have 60 comments!

Without further wait, Let's get this started. 

These aesthetics are getting more and more difficult. I remember how I started with 4 pictures only. 


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 * Sarah's POV *

I felt myself look into the aged man's grave eyes. He was the one all these people feared. He was the one people joined to have people fear them. 

I will do the same.

I am ready to do the same.

To become the devil who wants to break hell loose. 

Feeling some sound to my left had me turn my head towards it, finding Elijah about to place his hand onto my shoulder. But before he could do it, my eyes were on him. Making him retrieve his hand back. He then motioned with his head for me to head out from the room. I did that without question. On my way out of the door, I heard Elijah heated voice all of a sudden.

"R! How could you do that? Give someone that Goddammed pain in the ass of a task which was supposed to be mine! R, You know what Adrik really are. You have dealt with them pretty much your whole life! How could you underestimate their strength and leave them to someone who doesn't even have any idea about what a gang really is? Let alone have experience. And on top of that you gave the responsibility to a girl. How can you even trust her?" Elijah's furious voice filled my ears. Somehow through all that, Mister Romero did seem to maintain his calm demeanor. 

"Calm your young nerves Elijah. Keep the anger saved for the times when you would need it. Firstly, I never underestimate enemies. I overestimate them. That way I am always prepared for the worst. Secondly, I know it was your task. You are still the one who will be doing it with the girl. And lastly, I somehow do trust her." His voice ended with a hint of finality. 

He trusts me. Why?

"You...huhhh...Okay..." Elijah became quiet. Next I found him coming out of the door, as I turned around to face him. He stopped abruptly and stared at me right in the eyes. Imitating my posture. We stood a few minutes like that. Until he sighed.

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