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I heard a sound besides me. I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't for some reason. It's like they were to heavy to budge i'm so weak I can't move.

As if i'm restrained.

I can hear voices but I was trying my best to hear who they were but I couldn't so I left it alone. It's probably the nurses an the doctors talking about my condition.

I hope this isn't the end of my life right now well of course it isn't if I can hear them right because if it's the opposite i'm going to freak out. I know Morgan want me too hold on for her but I can hardly breathe as it is.



We have been in this waiting room for about 3 hours straight and i'm starting to get worried very worried ... Than I already was before.

"Morgan calm down you gonna give yourself a panic attack." I heard Marion tell me but I wasn't listening to him I just kept pacing the floor breathing hard.

"FAMILY OF MEGAN SMITH!" The doctor called out as I rushed over there before anybody else could.

"Yes is she okay?" I asked him but he just looked down making me cry all over again.

"No ... no ... no ... no ... no ..." I yelled at him falling on the floor as Marion picked me up bridal style taking me back into the waiting room. So I can calm down but I just couldn't.

I was in his lap crying like crazy. I just losted my sister man. My only sister at that this day just keep getting worst an worst why her god. Why?

"Is she really gone Marion?" I asked him hoping he say no too me.

"Morgan I don't know to be honest with you i'm shocked just as you are." He told me as I just barred my face in his chest.

Please god I need her more than anything. I can't lose her now not at this time please god. Please let her stay a little longer please.


"Doc is she alright. Don't tell me I losted her man." I told him as I was holding back my tears. As hard as I possibly could.

I just can't go back through this process again.

I'm not the type of nigga that cry. If I do cry you won't see me period I hate trying to show my emotion in front of people it make me feel weak as hell.

"Well sir, the young lady who was just yelling didn't let me speak at all. But Miss Megan Smith is in critical condition she have some bruised up ribs, and a broken leg an also she is in a coma." He told me making me more upset that my baby girl is in the hospital hurt.

"Thank you sir i'll give everybody else the news I appreciate all your help." I told him as I shook his hand an walking back in the waiting room to break down the news.

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