Hype or Drama?

813 13 6

7:00 am
When I woke up I got super confused cuz I didn't know where I was but I quickly figured it out. I felt someone's arms wrapped around me and a head on my boobs. When I looked down I saw Ryland's fluffy head of hair. He looked so cute that I just didn't wanna move so layer there and fell back asleep.

The next time I woke up I heard a bunch of people giggling and camera's going off. I heard someone start whispering and they didn't do to good of a job at it butt I recognized it as Addison.

Addison: Turn off your ringer your gonna wake them up. This is too cute of a moment to ruin.
Caden: A little late for that. What are you guys doing
Nick: Nothing just getting an iconic moment of Ryland SIMPING for a girl on camera. You know picture or it didn't happen.
Ryland: Shut up and let me sleep. *he said as he cuddled into me more*
Caden: You know you're not helping our case right now.
Ryland: I don't care. You're comfy and you smell good
Caden: Wait how did you guys even know we were up here?
Mia: Well no one saw you guys come back downstairs last night so we just assumed you guys were either out or up here.
Chase: I'm not gonna lie this is really cute .
Caden: He speaks. Can someone get me a coffee from Starbucks I have a feeling Ry isn't gonna let go of me anytime soon.
Ryland: You're not wrong .
Alex: Ya sure you want anything else we're all gonna postmasters some breakfast.
Caden: ya can you get an iced chai tea latte and 2 roasted Ham, Swiss & Egg sandwich's
Alex: why 2?
Caden: The little simp that attached to me is why.
Alex: Well I don't remember a single thing you said, so Kouvr??
Kouvr: Ya I already know her order. You would be a terrible waiter.

As they walked away to go and get everyone else's order I asked nick to go downstairs and get my phone from the kitchen. When he came back he had a little black box in his hand a long with my phone.

Caden: What's that?
Nick: no idea it was next to your phone and addressed to you. Figured you'd wanna see what it was before Kouvr and Mia got nosey.
Caden: thanks.

After Nick left I just put the little box on the table that was next to the bed. When I opened my phone it was being blown up with tags, edits, comments, and others on every social media platform I had. I was gaining followers like crazy and I had no idea why. I didn't even have enough time to look at one without it going to the bottom of my screen before I could finish reading it. The very first thing I saw when I opened instagram was an edit of me and Ryland from a fan . I liked it cuz I thought it was sweet but that's probably gonna backfire later. People were shipping us like crazy in the comments. There were hundreds more just like it with the same comments. Some shipping it like there was no tomorrow and others were just being haters. Haters gonna hate.

I looked down at Ryland and he has not moved one bit. Wow he really needed the sleep. When I finally got to the source of all this madness I saw that all of hype house had posted their own photo of me and Ryland . You could tell from the different angles. Someone even posted it on the HypeHouse account. I already knew this was gonna be in Alex and Thomas's vlogs.

I started reading some of the comments on the HypeHouse post and obviously came across some hate comments. I'm gonna be honest hate comments have absolutely zero effect on me. Like you can't hurt my feelings I mean have you met my dad. It's not like he's rude to me its just that we insult each other in a joking way. You know when your talking to your friends and your just like "hey whore" or "Sup bitch" like its just how our relationship works and its fun. We treat each other as if we were best friends. So hate doesn't get to me.

A few minutes later Ryland finally came back from the dead and immediately noticed the black box. He asked me what it was and I had completely forgot about it. It looked like one of those wedding ring boxes.

Caden: I don't know what is. I haven't opened it yet. Nick brought it up it was just on the kitchen counter next to my phone.
Ryland: Well open it. If its a wedding proposal I'm chucking it off this roof.
Caden: oh god not again.
He gave me this look that said *the fuck you mean AGAIN*
Caden: I'm a billionaire's and a super models daughter its a little expected. Last time I got one they sent me a 1.59K diamond ring from Tiffany&Co. We even had it tested to see if it was real . This guy I didn't even know bought me a $41.5K ring. I was 16.
Ryland:jeez that weird. Well hurry up and open it.

He seemed a little bothered when i told him that someone had proposed to me before. I don't really know why he would be tho. I opened the box slowly cuz I'm me and wanted that dramatic affect. I looked over at Ryland who had now pulled me into his lap, he looked like he was ready to chuck it. When I opened it fully both of our jaws dropped.

I feel like I'm updating a lot faster than most writers. Ive been writing all day and i wanna keep writing but I low key don't know what to do. Also what should i put in the box and i need help with ship names. I'm terrible at them. Do can y'all come up wit one for Ry and Caden

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