Rotten Peaches

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Charli checked who the text was from and low and behold it was Dixie.

Dixie: Hey can you come pick me up?

From where : Charli

Dixie: Idk just pin my location from my phone

What the hell r u doing in Las Vegas :Charli

Dixie: I don't really remember. Just come pick me up plz.

Ya ok just stay where u are :Charli

Caden: So where is she?
Charli: Santa Monica
Charli: She said she doesn't remember.
Ryland: great. That's a 4 hour drive.
Caden: It's fine we can get some food on the way I doubt she's eaten yet.

*time skip to when they pick her up*

Dixie: Hey guys
Caden: So how did you get all the way out here.
Dixie: I honestly have no idea. Last thing I remember i was at a party with Emma (Chamberlain)
Charli: Then where's Emma?
Dixie: I don't know I called her but she never answered
Ryland: It's fine she can handle herself she's Emma freaking Chamberlain.
Caden: If something happens we'll know she's famous.
Charli: Hey can we go get some food now.
Caden: Ya sure where do you wanna go.
Dixie: Can we go get Chipotle. We can pick something up for everyone.

*time skip to when they get home*

As soon as we got home we went to the kitchen and everyone started asking questions. We tried to explain everything as best we could seeing Dixie didn't really remember what happened and we couldn't get Emma on the phone. After awhile everyone cooled down and Dixie left to go take a shower and change. I decided to go and change into a swimsuit and just chill in the pool. We don't really go anywhere other than the pool.

I heard over to the pool with my phone to film some tiktoks cuz i haven't posted yet

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I heard over to the pool with my phone to film some tiktoks cuz i haven't posted yet. When I got up to the pool the boys were already out there skateboarding and just being boys. I didn't actually wanna get wet so i just sat on one of the sun chairs that was in front of the lane pool. I was filming some the boys for my snap story cuz why not. Who doesn't like watching cute boys messing around on a skateboard. After a few minuets the other girls decided to come out and make some tiktoks. I was sitting next to Olivia when she asked to make a tiktok. Obviously i said yes. We made a bunch of them. None of them were gonna get posted. They were just the ones that stay in our drafts for memories you know. We started making some serious ones that were actual dances and not us forgetting the dance midway through. We were making one last one and we said we were gonna post it no matter what.

We decided to do one were i had to throw it back. The second I was about to throw it back Ryland came in and just picked me up and walk away saying "mine". Olivia paused the recording while Ryland brought me over to the sun chairs and just sat me down on his lap. Olivia came over and recorded us with the last bit of the audio. Alex and Thomas were both filming for their Chanel's so they both caught the entire thing on video. Olivia came over and sat down still laughing her head of while i was trying to get out of Rylands arms. Liv was editing the video and decided to put what Ryland said when he picked me up in the video. She posted it on my account. The second it went up my phone was flooded with notifications. It was starting to get dark and you might not know this but it gets pretty cold in La when the sun goes down. Seeing that we lived in the mountains it was even colder than it would be in the city. I tried getting up so i could go in the hot tub but guess what. Ryland still wouldn't let me go.

Caden: Ryland it's cold and I wanna get in the hot tub.
Ryland: Fine

He finally let me go and I instantly ran to the hot tub. I got in and closed my eyes from the nice feeling of warmth. A few seconds went by and i felt arms wrap around me so I opened my eyes and saw Ryland holding me. AGAIN. HE was being super clingy and I had no idea why. It was cute but it was also getting realllyyy annoying. Obviously I couldn't say that to him so I just let him be. I figured why not make a tiktok of this. I picked the perfect audio (Simp Nation). Ive seen some of the other vis of the boys instantly letting go when they hear it say simp Nation so I expected Ry to do the same. He had his head buried in the crook of my neck hiding his face. But when he headed it all he did was just look up and put his head back down into were he was before. I looked down at him with a very surprised face. I looked up at everyone else with pretty much the same face as me. I heard the video end and Ryland looked up at everyone and just said what. They all just turned around and acted as if nothing happened. We were standing in the the middle of the hot tub and i guess he got tired of standing cuz he pulled me back and sat down on the built-in benches while pulling me into his lap. I was so confused on what was going on cuz he's never this clingy or soft. I started wondering if something happened during the day. He was completely fine when we were picking up Dixie. If something happened i would have known, we have practically been together the whole day. I only left him alone for a few minutes when i went to my room to go change, but he was with the boys. I guess ill ask Mia if something happened out here when I was gone.

She was the only girl outside with them. I was gonna ask her when we were alone cuz I just didn't wanna ask her in front of everyone. It was geting pretty late so everyone started going inside. I had to drag Ry inside cuz he didn't wanna let go. I finally got him to let go when I told him I was gonna take a shower. I went upstairs and took and quick shower and did my long ass skincare routine. After that I ran over to Thomas and Mia's room to ask her if something happened when I wasn't with them.

Caden: Hey Mia did something happen with Ryland when I went to go change after we got back from picking up Dixie.
Mia: Well when he came up  to the pool he went over to the boys and was whispering to them. I over heard him say something about a text that he got when you guys went to get food. He seemed to be pretty upset about it.
Caden: Oh maybe that's why he was being so clingy at the pool.
Mia: Maybe. I didn't hear what the text said tho.

Just as I was about to say something Ryland walked in. The second he noticed I was sitting on the bed with Mia he came over instantly laced down and put his head in my lap and wrapped his arms around my waist. For some reason he seemed really sad but i just left him alone and let him cuddle me. I knew the last thing he wanted to hear was " Are you ok" If someone asked me that it would have pushed me over the edge. We were just chilling in Mia and Thomas' room and talking bout random crap. It was like 2 in the morning and i could tell Mia was getting tired so I told them me and Ryland were gonna go to my room. I got and grabbed Rylands hand and pulled him over to my room.

I payed down on my bed and told him to come and lay his head on my stomach. I turned on Netflix and just started watching anime's. We both ended up falling asleep pretty fast. And that how my day went. See ya tomorrow.

I am so sorry for not updating for like forever. I'm gonna try and post a few more chapters today to try and make up for it.

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