Movie Stars and Champagne

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*Continuation of the last chapter*

Chase and I were sat in the car watching our phones blow up after our posts went up and the ones from TikTok Room. Sometimes I wish I wasn't who I am. I had one more meeting with my manager in about 20 mins. I had no idea what this meeting was for and who else it was with either. All my manager said was to get there on time. And to be ready for some really big news. I started the car headed over too the office where the meeting was going to be at. We walked in the meeting room and saw a few people who looked pretty important. I walked over and greeted everyone then introduced Chase.

??: Hi my name is Emilia Longwood and I'm a casting director
???: And I'm Andrew Russo. I'm the director of the movie.
Caden: Hi its nice to meet you but may I ask for what movie.
Andrew: Well I'm glad you asked. We are making another Iron Man movie. Well sorta. The movie is going to be about Tony's daughter. When she's 18 years old. She takes on her father's company and legacy. She ends up being hunted by every alien race her dad pissed off. She gets all the off-springs of the original 6 for an amazing adventure to save the earth again.
Emilia: And we want you for the starring role. We want you to play Morgan Stark. We've seen your other movie and shows and you're perfect.
Caden: OMG. That's amazing. Of course I'll do it. I can't wait
Andrew: We were hoping you'd say that.
Emilia: Great we'll write up a contract and send it to your manager to look over and then you just need to sign.
Andrew: Oh by the way don't talk about this to the press. We aren't going to announce it until we've started filming.
Caden: Ya sure. Can I tell my family and friends tho
Emilia: Of course just make sure they don't tell either.

After we left and got back in the car i started screaming and having my freak out. I wasn't gonna freak out in front of them, that's just unprofessional. It was about 7:00 now and we agreed with the rest of the house that we were going to meet up at BOA. The restaurant we always go to. We really need to try some other places.

Chase: So when you gonna tell the rest of the house.
Caden: Honestly i might tell them tonight at dinner.
Chase: They're gonna freak out. 50 bucks they throw you a celebration party.
Caden: Alright bet. If they do Throw me a party I already know its gonna be epic.
Chase: Ya it is. We throw the best party's.

We were talking a bit more about the movie until we pulled up to the restaurant. We instantly knew the rest of them were already here cuz of all the people standing outside the place. The second we stepped out we got paparazzi shoving like 10 cameras in our faces. There were quite a few fans too so we took some pictures and then finally got inside. Well not really inside but more of the patio cuz you know COVID and all that. We got to the table and talked for a bit until the waiter came. We all ordered and then he left.

Caden: ok so I have some really big news but you guys can't tell anyone else. No posting no slip ups. Nothing or I'm gonna be screwed ok.
Everyone: ya ok.
Caden: So you all know that me and Chase just came here from a meeting.
Thomas: ya what about it
Caden: well the meeting was with one of the directors from Marvel.

At this point everyone's eyes went wide. They were all looking at me to continue or to say that I was joking.

Caden: they're coming out with a new movie. And they want me to play the lead role.
Alex: Holy shit that's fucking amazing.
Caden: ya but no one can talk about. This conversation stays inside our Hype House group
Ryland: Well this calls for a celebration. How about we order some champagne and stop at beer store and get some drinks on our way home.
Thomas: You're just looking for an excuse to drink.
Ryland: yup!

After diner we ended up stoping at a store and picked up some white claws and all that. Once we got home we decided to invite some people over and have small celebration with the people we've been hanging out with recently you know cuz pandemic can't have too many people we don't know over.

I am soooo sorry for not updating but for that past few months I've kinda been uninterested with hype house and all of them. Idk ig I'm just growing up out of that phase. But never the less I'm still gonna keep writing this book cuz I think it's fun and I love making up stories. Well I'll continue the book only if y'all want me too. Also I can't believe I have 8k reads. Like that so cool.

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