Pandora's Box

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When the box opened a butterfly flew out.

Just kidding. It was a piece of paper. It was folded up really small. Remember when you where a kid and would take a piece of paper and see how small you could fold it. I looked over at Ryland who had a really confused look on his face.

Ryland: What the hell is that.
Caden: I don't know
Ryland: Well open it
Caden: Alright. Alright

I took the paper out and unfolded it. It had really small writing on it. The paper was maybe a little bigger than a sticky note. The writing was so small that we had to go and find a magnifying glass. Of course we didn't have one in the house so me and Ryland went to Target to get one. Once we got home we went back up to the cabana on the roof. Ryland sat down and I was about to sit down when Ryland pulled me into his lap. He was holding the magnifying glass while i held the paper underneath it.

"Ryland looks pretty good on you. Also you can't protect Charli"

Caden: Wait what the hell. What's that supposed to mean
Ryland: Ooooo Someone said we look good together
Caden: Ryland seriously that's what you pay attention too. Someone just sent a threat to Charli.
Ryland: Ya but they think we look good together.
Caden: Ry stop that we gotta show this too the rest of the house.
Ryland: Alright alright lets go.

Out of nowhere Ryland picked me up in his arms and headed inside the glass doors that lead to the kitchen. I hadn't noticed until now that Ryland was holding me like a baby. I don't mean like bride style. He was holding me the same way you'd hold an actual baby. He had me sitting on the side of his hip.

 He had me sitting on the side of his hip

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That. That's how he was holding me. I feel like I'm back to being 6 years old. I mean ya I'm a 17 year old who acts like toddler but still at times i can also act more mature than anyone in this house. It's kinda funny. But back to reality. Ryland walked in the doors and everyone's heads snapped over at us. I'm pretty sure some of them got whiplash.

Nick: Looks like you too are getting pretty close
Caden: Shut up
Thomas: So why are you holding her like that. I'm pretty sure she's 17 not 7
Chase: Ya what's up with that
Alex: I heard commotion what's going. I got my camera

Alex pointed his camera at me and Ryland and finally noticed that he was still holding me. Ryland walked us over to the huge island in the middle of the kitchen and set me down on the counter. I was expecting Ryland to walk away after he put me down but he stood there in between my legs. Both of us completely forgot about the paper until Charli came over to us and took it out of my hands.

Charli: Oooo what's this a love note??
Caden: Wait Charli don't
I started panicking cuz I didn't want her to read it and start freaking out. For a 16 year old girl with her reputation wasn't healthy. She already gets so much hate she can't deal with death threats too. Ya I know that she gets messages saying that she should kill herself and what not but this is different. This is a straight threat saying that no one can protect her. That type of threat could mean anything. It's scariest type of threat cuz you never know what could possibly happen.
Ryland: Wait Charli don't. It's not what you think it is.
Caden: Char stop.
She ran around to the other side of the room when I tried to grab it from her. I pushed Ryland away from me and ran after her. She stopped when i was about half way away from her. I saw the way her face change when she read it. Her normal bright smiling face dropped in an instant.
Charli: W-what
She had a mortified look on her face
Caden: Charli are you ok.
Ryland: Charli say something
Before we knew it she ran off. And dropped the paper. Everyone else gave us a questioning look. Me and Ryland looked over at each other with the same worried expression on our faces. I was gonna go after her but Ryland stopped me by wrapping his arm around my waist. I looked up at him and he gave me a look that said to let her be for a bit.
Chase: So what just happened
Caden: Just read the slip of paper

Chase walked over and picked up the little piece of paper and picked it up. His eyes widened so big it looked like he had seen a ghost. He walked over to Thomas and just dropped it in front of him on the counter. He didn't say anything he just stood next to Thomas waiting for him to read it. Once I saw Thomas's face change we knew he finished reading it. Before I could say anything Chase spoke.

Chase: So what do we do. We can't just ignore it
Thomas: There's not much we can do. All we can really do is keep Charli in our sight at all times.
Caden: I can't understand why they sent it to me tho
Alex: wait it's was sent to you?
Caden: ya when I asked Nick to grab my phone of the counter for me he came back out with it. He said it was on my phone adresses to me.
Thomas: How'd it get in here tho
Chase: Someone must have brought it in thinking it was something you ordered.
Ryland: That's true we always have a mountain of packages and PR box's coming in.
Alex: more importantly where's Dixie she needs to know about this.
Caden: We'll go find Dixie and you guys call Heidi and Marc

I grabbed Ryland's hand and went to Dixie's room. I knocked on the door but no one answered so I just went in. She wasn't in her room so I grabbed my phone and called while I was heading to the kitchen to grab my car keys. As I predicted she didn't answer. We had no idea where she was. I threw my keys at Ryland and told him to get the car. I went to Charli's room and told her to get in the car. I got in the drivers seat while Ryland was in the passenger and Charli was in the back. I didn't wanna leave Charli in the house where she was vulnerable. I know that everyone's there but still it's better to have people not know her location.

We were driving around LA for about 20 mins we were about to give up and just go home when Charli's phone went off, notifying that she got a text.

I'm sorry I haven't updated in like forever. I really don't have an excuse except for the fact that my sleep schedule is non existent.

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