Chapter Nineteen- Curious

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The next morning, in English class, Mr Michaelson approached my table, and I settled the nervous feeling in my stomach as I looked up to meet his gaze. 

"Annie," he said. 

"Mr Michaelson," I returned. 

"I would like you to work with Miss Sun for the next project," he informed me. 

I turned to catch Imogen's gaze and couldn't help but smile. 

Imogen didn't return the expression, though. She just appeared contemplative. 

"Imogen, can you come and move next to Annie, please?" he asked her. 

She gave a nod, and headed over to sit beside me. 

"Hi," I said. 

"Hey you," Imogen replied, now smiling. 

"I'm glad we've been paired together," I whispered. 

"Girls," Mr Michaelson said, giving us a verbal warning, so Imogen and I both put our heads down towards our work again, but smiled all the same. 

Mr Michaelson walked over to the whiteboard to write 'Tuesday 29th June' upon it, and then smiled out class' direction as he began to fill us in on what we were expected to do. 

Essentially, we would be working together to write an essay on 'The Catcher in the Rye'. This would ultimately just speed up the writing process, given that there were two of us writing it now and not just one. I had no complaints, except as I turned my attention to the window I saw a black cat walk past. 

"Mr Cat looks just like that," Imogen said, "Did you know black cats are apparently a sign of good luck, but it depends where you live? Weird superstition, right?" Imogen asked me. 

I held my hand up for her to pause, then. 

"Hold on a minute," I said. 

"Okay," Imogen replied. 

"You have a black cat," I said. 

"Right," she replied. 

"And you called it Mr Cat?" I asked. 

Imogen just chuckled. 

"Hey! I was like ten years old. Don't you judge me, Annie," Imogen said. 

"That's hilarious. Sweet child Immy naming a cat...Mr Cat," I laughed. 

Imogen narrowed her eyes at me now. 

"Cupcake," she said, her tone carrying a warning with it. 

"Immy," I said, giving her an eye roll and looking back towards the paper in front of me. 

Imogen worked in silence for a moment before turning her attention back towards me. 

"You have a beauty mark," she said, after looking at my face for a moment, "I mean at first I thought it was a crumb from lunch but..." she trailed off. 

I just awkwardly touched at the place I knew she was looking at, it was a beauty spot on the bottom of my right cheek. 

"Sorry...I kinda just speak my mind at times. It's a cute beauty mark," Imogen told me. 

"So I've been told," I replied, with a wink, so Imogen's cheeks reddened slightly. 

I turned away then, unable to prevent the smirk from making its way onto my face. 

Mr Michaelson hadn't come back to our table after he had given us the main instructions for today's lesson, which was probably a good thing, as Gina leaned over her desk to poke me in the back with a pen, and I turned to smile at her. 

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