Chapter Twenty

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He carried me up the stairs and held me in one arm tightly as he opened the door to his bedroom with the other open arm.

Panic slowly edged itself into every crevice of my existence.

It was untelling what would happen to me now.

He laid me on a chair in his room that hadn't been there before, shutting the door behind him and locking it.

My head was spinning as I pushing myself upright out of the slumping position I was in.

I heard a sigh as I could feel him staring daggers at me.

The air in the room was tense as I refused to make eye contact with him, instead suddenly finding interest in the wooden floor as I studied the lines of the wood.

I heard him as he rummaged through the drawers, pulling out a first aid kit and laying it beside me.

"You're hurt and it's your fault." He stated angrily, glaring at me before he got on his knees and pulled my body closer to him.

I remained silent, not really wanting to make him angrier than he already was as I let him pull my body around as he needed.

He grabbed my chin gently and pulled my face towards his, cleaning my scraped cheek with an alcohol wipe. I grimaced as a burning sensation set fire on my sensitive cheek.

He then cleaned my elbow.

He took off my handmade shoes and douced my feet lightly with another alcohol wipe.

I clenched my teeth and closed my eyes tightly.

He picked me up off of the chair and carried me into the bathroom, peeling off my body suit instantly after he placed me on the stool.

He then stripped my underwear off, throwing everything that was on me into the bathroom trash can.

I covered my important body parts, continuing to avoid eye contact with him.

I allowed the water pouring into the tub to consume my head as I pretended I was back at the creek alone.

"You've lost more weight." He commented in disapproval, pulling me from my thoughts.

I looked at him blankly for a second, then turned my gaze back to the white tile floor.

I eyed the toothbrushes on the sink, instantly complying when he handed me one along with tooth paste.

It felt nice to have smooth teeth again. You don't realize what you really need until you no longer have it.

Once I was done, I rinsed it with alcohol and placed the toothbrush back into the tooth brush holder. I returned to the bench.

He turned the water off and lightly grabbed my elbow, pulling my body up and guiding me to the water.

I stepped inside the large tub and sat down, putting my body weight on his strong arms.

Once I was in the water he reached towards me with a wash rag lathered in dove body wash. I grabbed the rag out of his hand and began to scrub my legs slowly.

He then grabbed the wash rag back, giving me a stern look.

I sighed.

He began to wash my body gently for me, lightly scrubbing over my sunburnt skin.

Once my body was squeaky clean, he helped me stand up to let the murky water out.

He turned the shower on that was along the opposite wall of the large rectangular bathroom, adjusting the temperature and pushing me inside as he stripped his clothes off while staring at me as if he dared me to protest.

He stepped into the shower with me and turned my body away from his as he began to wash my hair slowly and carefully, picking all the sticks and leaves out.

Once he was done washing my hair with shampoo and conditioner he grabbed my shoulders and pushed me against the tile wall harshly, pinning me in place.

My skin burned from harsh contact. I whined in surprise and fear, moving around to fight him as much as my weak body possibly could.

He grabbed the back of my hair, jerking my head backwards and leaned into my ear.

"You're getting your punishment now. Nobody will ever see you again except for me, you are MINE. I didn't want it to be like this but you caused this."

I gasped as he pushed me down to the bottom of the shower on my stomach, crying out as I protested and begged for him to let me go.

"P-please don't lorenzo." I begged, sobbing.

There was no gentleness about it. He handled me roughly, showing no mercy as he invaded me while holding me down by my hair.

My vision got blurry as everything faded away into darkness.

Authors note:)
Thanks for all the love and support guys💕

•Word count: 800

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