Chapter Twenty-Nine

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I pet Zeus as he had his head laying on my stomach.

I checked my phone.

4:38 a.m.

I couldn't sleep. Zeus sure was knocked out though. I was scared for court tomorrow. Well, today. The session would be at 9:00 a.m.

I pushed zeus to the side then got out of bed, heading towards the bathroom to take a shower. I stepped inside on the cool tile floor and turned the shower on, allowing the water to warm.

I brushed my teeth then pulled off my clothes. I then grabbed a plastic bag from the sink cabinet along with thick tape and wrapped my cast, to prevent it from getting wet. I stepped into the shower, allowing the warm water to consume me.

I washed my hair faster than usual. I was still getting used to my short hair. I loved it.

I scrubbed my body clean then grabbed a towel, drying my body off. I then lightly dried my hair.

I grabbed the bottle of moose that Stella gave me and began to scrunch my hair, pushing it towards my scalp from the ends.

I stepped into the organized closet and dropped my towel. I grabbed a grey sweater and pulled it over my black sports bra. I then put on black underwear and pulled sweatpants on.

I laid back down in the bed. Zeus  crawled back towards me and laid his head back onto my stomach.

I laid there, drifting off.


I yawned and stretched.

I peeked at my phone. It was 6:50 a.m. now. I scrolled to the camera on my phone and turned on the flash. I held it up with my left hand, and snapped a picture of Zeus.

I then set him as my background and lock screen out of boredom.

I tapped on the security camera and tapped through each one, seeing nothing. I sighed.

Zeus lifted his head and yawned, positioning his head to look at me.

"Well good morning." I said, patting his head.

He stared at me.

I probably needed to take him out.

I raised myself upright. Zeus lifted his head up.

"C'mon Zeus." I said as I got out of the bed, snapping at him.

He jumped off the bed and walked to the shut bedroom door, sitting down as he waited for me.

I pulled on a pair of pink flip flops then grabbed my phone off my bed and headed out the door, Zeus following hot on my heels.

I went into the pantry, looking for a leash.

Bingo. There was a Black one laying right beside the dog food bag.

I picked it up and headed to the front door, calling Zeus.

He ran after me, sitting on the doormat.

I put his leash on and unlocked the door, opening and stepping outside with him.

It was dark outside, the sun hadn't risen yet.

Zeus ran to the nearest bush, releasing himself after he sniffed around the bush.

I headed back to the door but paused when I saw headlights pulling into the driveway.

I sighed in relief when the black mustang parked, Stella hopping out with a bag in her arms.

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