Series 2 Episode 11: Fear Her

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"Only seems like yesterday a few naked Greek men were throwing discus' about, wrestling with each other in the sand as the crowds stood around baying... No wait a minute, that was Club Med."


"You ever have those cakes with the crunchy ball bearings on top? Nobody else in this entire galaxy has ever bothered to make edible ball bearings!"


"Hmm... tickles."

"What's your game?"

"My, um, snakes and ladders. Quite good at squash... Reasonable. I'm being facetious, aren't I? There's no call for it."




"Look at the hairs on the back of my manly hairy hand."


"Well aren't you a beautiful boy?"

"Thanks. I'm experimenting with back-combing. Oh."


"I'm not really a cat person. Once you've been threatened by one in a nuns wimble, kinda takes the joy out of it."


"I was attacked by a pencil scribble?"


"Hello. I'm the Doctor and this is Rose. Can we see your daughter?"

"No, you can't."

"Ok. Bye."


"I'm no good. Stick men are about as far as I can go. Can do this tho."

Does Spock Pose with finger. 🖖


"But who's gonna believe the things you see out of the corner of your eye? No one. Except me."

"Who are you?"

"I'm help."


"Well... got a very loud voice for a dead bloke."


"If living things can become drawings, then maybe drawings can become living things."


"I want my friends."

"You're lonely, I know. Identify yourself."


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