2| You're huge

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To say Marley was surprised to see her was an understatement. Not just to see her but to see her inside her locked apartment no less.

"Hey." Scarlett said nervously and Marley nodded. "How did you get in Scar?" She inquired trying to remember if she had given her a key all that time ago.

"I still have my key." And there it was. Marley shrugged it off. At one point Scarlett was her roommate and the locks are the same so very believable.

Marley headed straight to her fridge for a water. "Want anything?" She asked she looked around the fridge. Being as Scarlett must have been here a while she might have taken what she wanted. "A water would be fine!" Scarlett said back, well maybe not, Marley thought and reached for another water.

"Two waters it is." She said to herself. Handing one bottle to Scarlett she sat beside her and momentarily her eyes went wide. "You're huge" she said it before she could think about the comment.

It was something she expected sooner or later but her friend was massive. Scarlett always wanted children and it seemed as if her dream was coming true.

Scarlett laughed at the comment. Marley was always pretty blunt. "Yes I am." She answered rubbing her enlarged tummy. "When will I get to see the little one?" Marley asked sounding more excited than she thought she should.

"Any day now." Scarlett said, Marley nodded and turned on the tv, background noise because the meeting was fast becoming awkward. They sat in silence watching a random cartoon. Marley wasn't sure how to proceed. Trying to find a right way to ask her friend why she was in her apartment without offending her.

Sighing she put the remote down. "Are you okay Scar?" She asked and her friend nodded. Nodding back as if a mere nod was enough to quell her suspicions, Marley got up, water in hand. "Your room is still the same you can stay there I'm going to get some sleep." She said, her statement verified by a yawn.

"Thanks for this M." Scarlett said, Marley shrugged racking her brain thinking about nothing in particular. With reluctant steps she found her way to her room falling over the bed as soon as she got there. Eyes closed she stripped down to her underwear and laid atop her sheets.

Sleep overtook her in mere minutes.

She was woken by her alarm and trudged to the bathroom eyes half open scratching her bum. She did her morning routine taking as much time as she could. Checking the mirror at last minute she noticed the bags under her eyes got smaller. Back in her room and refreshed she could smell bacon.

Scarlett was always a morning person and the queen of breakfast. Marley dressed in a black pencil skit and a pink blouse. Her curves were shown off by this outfit and it was the confidence boost she needed to start the day.

Her hair was in it's curly state and so she made a messy bun. Grabbing her handbag, portfolio and phone she headed for the kitchen.

"Good morning." Scarlett waved the spatula at her friend and went back to dishing pancakes. "Good morning Scar." Marley took a seat on a stool with a fork.

"I seriously missed your pancakes." She said as a plate was set before her. She scarped them down so quick she thought she inhaled them. By the time she was done she forgot the flavor and wanted another pancake so she could savor that one.

She looked up at Scarlett to find her already looking at her a distinct sadness in her eyes. "What's wrong?" She asked not sure if she wanted to know.

"I'm going to die." Scarlett said and Marley froze her mind blank her hand clenching and unclenching the fork. She felt stuck in a loop where she couldn't understand a thing.

"I'm sorry what?" Marley wasn't sure what she heard was what her friend said. Scarlett looked down at her bare feet. "There is a chance I won't survive giving birth." She said and her friend paled.

A stray tear ran down her cheeks as she tried to process the new information. "Scarlett why?" Her voice was hoarse with emotion and she cleared her throat. Scarlett's smile caught her off guard.

"I have always wanted a child M, you know that." She said and wasn't ashamed of the joy in her voice. "It's a boy and he is going to be so precious." She gushed taking out an ultrasound from her handbag and placing it before Marley.

"Scar you are precious." Marley said. "What about your friends Scar? Your brother? What are we to do?" She asked frightened by how concerned she was for her friend she had grown apart from and hadn't talked to in six months.

"I told Scott and he disapproved." Scarlett said, an familiar emotion fluttered in her chest and she shivered. "That's why I am here M." Walking over to her friend she took her hand. "Please M can you take my baby?" Her eyes were watering but she knew this was the right thing to do.

"Scar I don't know what to say." Marley said, she glanced at her watch and noticed it was about time she left, but how do you go about your day knowing that your friend was about to die.

"Marley?" Her friend asked trying to get her attention.  "Say something M." A ghost smile passed over her friend's face as tears streaked her cheeks. "So I was second choice huh?" She asked playfully.

Laughing nervously her friend nodded. "Well it can't be helped then can it?" Marley asked and Scarlett shook her head, no. "Why do you have to die Scar?" Marley didn't wish death on anyone and she had no idea how to take care of a baby.

"The doctors said that I wasn't able to carry a child because of some previous issues. But I had him anyway and the time I have carried him has been the best, I am so happy M." Marley nodded at her friend's confession.

"Why me?" Marley asked the one question that was most prominent in her mind. Scarlett's smile seemed strained. "Because you love kids and are one of the kindest, smartest, sweetest persons I have ever known." Marley snorted.

"You and Scott are the closest persons in my life. I always wanted to be there for my child but leaving him with you I know he will be well taken care of." Scarlett said.

Marley's nod was reluctant. She was still thinking. The time came to mind and she hissed. "I have work Scar will you be okay?" She asked and watched her friend clear away the dishes.

"I will be fine." She said with a casual smile that Marley never liked. Marley sighed and dragged herself out of the house looking back every now and then to see if her friend would change her mind.

It was when she got to work and sat at her desk when the weight of the situation fell on her. Scarlett was going to die and she was to be the guardian of an unborn gift.

She was to nurture a life as one was being scuffed out. She let her head fall on the table. They still had some time before then. She needed time.

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