25| The End

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Scarlett watched on as they sang the little boy happy birthday. He was all of three years old now. My how he had grown. Marley had allowed her to be around him as his Aunty Scar.

Something she couldn't be happier for. But she knew her friend watched her with the child and was sure that she didn't have any keys to their house.

A small hand pulled at her gown and she smiled down at the little girl. Her little angel. "Mama Mas blow." She stated pointing to where her brother was blowing out his candles.

"Yes, he's a big boy now." She told her baby girl silently missing her father. Scott had become her best friend over the years. He was such a good person, she thought.

"Aunty Scar look what mommy bought me!" Max called to the lady who seemed deep in thought. "It's really pretty Max, your mother has always had the best tastes." Scarlett was being truthful.

Marley sent a strained smile over to her which Scarlett returned with a real one. She had always been jealous of Marley. How she was a natural mother. How she didn't need many friends.

How back in college she didn't entertain any boys so she was a little shocked when Jacob came into the picture. She would open her door and listen to Marley's moans as they would make love.

Scarlett schooled her features not to give anything away. How she wished she could have Marley for herself but Marley always slept with her door closed back in college.

No accident could ever happen. The closest they had gotten was that day when they had played spin the bottle and were forced to kiss. Scarlett touched her lips unconsciously.

It was very brief but she still remembered it clear as day. Sighing she shrugged off the guests. She was tired and ready to go home. Walking over to Marley with Samantha her daughter trailing behind her she interrupted her conversation.

"I have to leave." She stated. "I have a long day tomorrow." Marley nodded politely. "Thanks for coming he really enjoys having you around." Scarlett knew she was only trying to save face.

It was hard explaining to everyone who was at her funeral why she was alive. Sighing she nodded "Tell your sexy husband that I had to go." She winked at her friend making her way to the door child in tow.

They were driving home when Samantha piped up from the back seat. "I ate 'em mama." Scarlett nodded in agreement. "Me too baby, me too." Smiling she began to whistle Scott's favorite song.

She had a good night planned. Tucking Samantha in she kept the night light on shutting the door and locking the child in. She smiled evilly making her way to the shed outside.

She whistles as she switched the light on to reveal rows of tables with body bags on them. "Oh what a good day to be alive." She sang ironically as she opened the third bag on the right. Her absolute favorite.

"I missed you at the party tonight baby." She stated opening the bag up to reveal Carla. She turned some music on smiling broadly. She loved to have fun.

She kissed Carla's pale dead lips using her hand to pry open the corpses mouth. She loved the glassed over dead look in her eyes. Moving over to where a little fridge was she opened it looking around for what she wanted.

Scott had taken a liking to Carla and she knew why. "She has more boobs!" Scarlett shouted in a happy tone. She moved around containers with fingers and eyes and tongues until she came to her prized position.

She pulled it out just to look at it. She felt a dose of euphoria her body twitching. "I love you, you love me." She sang in a sickly sweet voice closing the fridge and walking over to where her favorite corpse laid.

Placing her prized possession on it's stomach she smiled. Skipping around the room she found an assortment of flowers all with stems un trimmed. Beautiful.

"I love you, you love me." Cutting three quarters of the stem from the lilies she stuck them into her corpses eyes. She loved doing assortments like this when the bodies were still fresh.

Carla's was only a day old the poor them. "I will make you pretty in no time." Scarlett promised. "But first let's get rid of some of the lump in her breasts right dad?" She asked the jar on Carla's stomach.

Inside it was her father's head. His ears were missing, she had them in another jar. "Right sweetheart." He answered and she smiled proud to have his approval. "Let's prep her for surgery." Scarlett stated.

"Just like I taught you Scar." The older man said to his little girl. "Just like you taught me!" Her temper flared. "All you taught me was how to be a slut." She pointed her knife at him and laughed.

Cutting open Carla's right breast she started taking out some tissue. "You needed to learn." The older man was quite serious women needed to know how to be a man's tool for pleasure.

"Your right daddy." She stated. "You are always right." She added lovingly. "I miss you daddy." She spoke to the jar once more as she continued to work meticulously. Once the additional tissue was gone she cleaned up the work station.

She was sure to remove the skin too. It would make less of a mess when she arranged the rest of the flowers. "What do you think about an all white piece daddy?" She inquired and was pleased when he nodded in approval.

She arranged flowers where she had cut off Carla's breasts and smiled. She was so pretty now. "Daddy pass the chainsaw please." She was would take the hands off and the feet. Too heavy to carry like that.

"Daddy?" She turned around to see only the jar and her father gone. "Must be in the kitchen." She shrugged continuing her work. It was the vagina next. Her absolute favorite part of a human.


"Do you think Scarlett is acting strange?" Marley asked her husband as she got into bed next to him. "Not more than usual he answered his hands outstretched for her.

She settled into his embrace sighing. "The party was a success wasn't it?" Marley asked feeling as her partner nodded.

She turned to look at him. "Do you think we should let Max stay over at Scarlett's sometimes?" She was thinking about this now more than ever.

She hadn't given Scarlett a Chance all that time ago. Now she was back and it couldn't hurt if they just spent time together. Yawning Jacob thought about it.

"She seems fine with Samantha maybe we should give her a day." Marley frowned a bit. "What are you thinking about now woman?" He teased pulling her to him.

"Carla didn't show up." She stated causing him to sigh. Marley worries about everyone and everything. "I'm sure she's fine probably with that Peter guy again." Marley laughed at the disappointment in Jacob's voice.

"I love you." She whispered into his neck. "I love you too Mars." He whispered before they both dozed off.

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