19| Gown

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A blinding pain stung the back of Jacob's eyes when he came to. He was in all kinds of pain. Groaning he tried to open his eyes.

He blinked continuously before he could focus on anything. He was in a hospital Carla standing over him with a worried expression. "Jacob?" She rushed to his side when she noticed his eyes open.

"Oh my gosh I was so scared." Tears pooled in her eyes and Jacob took a while to focus. "Carla where's Max?" He asked looking around. He hated hospitals why was he here?

"Carla!" He demanded. "He is outside with mom I will call the doctors and tell them you are awake." His sister made for the door but he stopped her.

"Carla where's Marley?" He asked shutting his eyes again. She didn't answer and he groaned. "Carla where is my woman?" He demanded and a memory came flooding back. He was in the living room.

"Carla it was Scott." He said desperately. "I'm so stupid she said something was wrong about him." He groaned. His sister looked at him bewildered. "What do you mean it was him? Scott has been here the whole time." Carla answered.

"Calm down Jay I will be right back." She didn't have to tell him anything he was in shock of what she just said. He had been here the entire time? Here where?

Detective Rose walked in along with a doctor. "Mr Norman how are you feeling?" The doctor asked with a small smile. "Like someone took a baseball bat to my head." His response was honest which elicited a laugh from the detective.

"Well that's probably what happened, you have a slight concussion and it's recommended that you rest but you are going to be just fine." The doctor reassured and Jacob nodded.

After the man left Rose adapted a serious stance. "Mr Norman I have really bad news." He said. No shit Sherlock Jacob thought. His woman wasn't here and he was certain Scott took her only to hear he had been "here" the whole time.

"Where is Scott Rose?" He inquired "Is he really here in this hospital?" He was fuming which wasn't helping the insistent headache he has from being hit.

"He's in the waiting room." Before Rose could finish the man was marching out in his hospital gown not bothered with the fact that he was fully clothed before coming here.

He stalked over to the man and proceeded to land a series of blows in his unsuspecting face. His sister tried to hold him back but he gently tossed her aside pulling the man to his feet. "Where is she?" He screamed.

He couldn't believe he had let this happen. Strong arms latched onto Jacob's as his sister cried. His mother looked on at the fray holding the bouncing baby in her hand.

Max was babbling away unaffected by the little one sided brawl. Scott held his face trying to assess the damage. When the security was sure the hospital gown clad man was done they released him.

Rose clamped a hand on his shoulder and tried to calm the man. "Where the fuck is she Scott?" He was still seething. "I have no idea what you are talking about." He answered actually sounding sincere.

"He's telling the truth Jay he was with me the whole time." Carla spoke up slightly ashamed. "With you?" Jacob spat hissing at them both. "Detective Rose I am ready for the bad news." Jacob said.

"Right here?" The detective seemed hesitant and Jacob nodded. "Well four of your guards were found dead." Gasp went around the room and Jacob stood unfazed. "And?" He asked and Rose sighed.

"And we couldn't find Ms. Smith anywhere." He said looking away from the family members. He had sworn they had got the guy but he was obviously just a distraction.

They were thrown through a loop and when Rose went to report his so called success to the couple he had found Jacob out cold, the bodies of his staff and Max wailing furiously.

He was the one to alert the sister and mother and apparently the sister's boyfriend who happens to be the biggest suspect they had now. "I didn't know." Carla said making her brother hiss. "How could you when you were having your fun?" He accused.

"I swear to you Scott." He spat the man's name with distain. "If I don't find my woman and the mother of my child in one fucking piece I will personally kill you and do the jail time." His face was void of emotions when he said this.

Shrugging the detective's hand off he went back to his hospital room only to realize that the whole time he was raging his bum was practically naked. Just great.

He heard Rose close the door behind him. "I looked a fool didn't I?" He asked and Rose laughed involuntarily. "Yes sir you did." They laughed briefly before the Norman son was serious again.

"It was him. I know it." He whispered to himself and the detective nodded. "I believe you." He stated serving to frighten his client. "You do?" Jacob knew he wasn't going crazy.

"Yes but we don't have enough evidence to prove it or even an idea of where he could have taken her." Rose fell into a chair by the man's bed.

"Then why do you believe me?" Jacob asked not that he wasn't glad for it he just was curious. "I have a hunch." The detective bit his lip and Jacob sighed.


"Thanks for bringing us back Rose." Jacob was truly grateful for the man. There was no way he was letting his sister or mother take him. Not when they were saying he was wrong for his outburst.

Jacob almost tripped over something and looked down. It was one of Marley's shoes she must have kicked it off when Scott took her.

Rose looked from the shoe to the man. They had surveyed the area but it didn't seem suspicious. "Marley's shoe?" The man asked for confirmation. Jacob nodded wiping a hand over his face.

"I'm coming in." The detective said with no protest from Jacob. Heading to Marley's room to deposit a shoe he say one of her drawers half opened.

Setting Max's carrier on the bed he went over to it pulling out it's contents. It felt kind of nostalgic as if he had already lost her.

Looking inside he saw some crumpled old letters her had never seen before. He remembered Marley's little stunt earlier in the morning so he took them out reading through them.

"Rose!" He shouted.

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