18| Dead

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Marley smiled at the sight before her. She had woken up to find Jacob and Max fast asleep. Max was laying on the bed with the older man's hand cast around him protectively.

Careful not to wake them she made her way to the bathroom to freshen up. She had something to do today. She was so over living in fear and waiting for the next incident.

This was her life and she would dictate it not some so called stalker. Heading out she made sure she barely slipped pass the guards so that they would follow her.

She drove her car for the first time in months heading towards a place she had never been before. She hoped that Jacob was notified that she left. She didn't need much time for what she was going to do.

If she had waited she knew that he would stop her. This was something she had to do herself. She checked her rear view mirror to see that two familiar cars were following. She sped up putting distance between her and them turning onto a dirt road.

She was almost there.


A heart attack. Jacob frowned, she wanted to give him a heart attack. "What were you thinking Mars?" He was trying his best not to shout. She never liked it when he did.

She sighed knowing this was coming. "I was thinking that I can't sit here doing nothing when my life is being dictated by some stalker." She threw back at him and he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Marley I swear you drive me absolutely insane." He looked at her seriously. "What if something had happened to you? What if I had lost you?" The hopelessness was heard clearly in his voice and she felt ashamed.

Standing up from the couch where he had planted her she walked over to him taking his hand. "I'm sorry but I had to." She started by saying when his phone rang.

"Yeah?" He asked discarding the formalities. He couldn't really think straight just then. "Really?" His voice sounded shocked yet hopeful. "Did you get him?" He asked the person on the line and a smile spread across his face at the answer.

"Yes okay." He ended the call smiling at Marley despite how he had felt earlier. "They got him." He stated with relief. "Got him?" Marley was lost here.

"Your stalker it was the professor." He clarified and she scrunched up her face in confusion. "Mr Lewis?" She questioned and he nodded. He wasn't making sense Mr Lewis couldn't stalk a soul.

"They found pictures in his shed and a computer that unfortunately was a monitor for a camera that he still had in the house." Scarlett paled. Mr Lewis did it? Then the information she had fought so hard to get was a bust?

Sighing she relocated to the couch. "I thought you would be happier." He noted as she shook her head plastering a fake smile on her face. "I am happy just that it seems kind of wrong." The truth was that she knew who did it. She knew it could be Lewis.

The last time she had accused Scott they hadn't taken her seriously and now this. They would never believe her. She wasn't sure she believed herself anymore. She didn't have evidence but they did.

The letters burned a hole in her pocket, she was thrown through a loop once again. She wondered if Scarlett really had something stashed away.

"This whole thing was wrong." He dropped down beside her going in to kiss her cheek. They sat in silence. "Why would Lewis target Max?" He asked out loud.

"If he was stalking you why target Max too?" His brain was working to connect the dots. "Why did he put only one camera in Max's room? How did he even make it into the house?" Sitting upright Jacob was puzzled.

"How is he even connected to Scarlett and her lawyer or even the boyfriend?" Marley watched as his mind work. Just maybe he would listen to her. "He didn't do it." Jacob concluded to himself.

Whipping around to look at Scarlett she edged him on. "Think about it, couldn't someone have planted the evidence? If the man was as old and shaky as you said." He paused and she nodded.

"Definitely shaky." She confirmed and he nodded in deep thought. "Hear me out here Jacob." She started off but couldn't finish because of a knock at the door.

"I'll get it." Jacob concluded and walked towards it. He was so deep in thought he didn't check the peephole like he should have. The next thing he knew there was pain in his head and his eyes fell closed. The last image he saw was Scott sneering.

"Jacob who is it?" Marley called hearing someone whistle. That wasn't like Jacob. Dashing towards her room she closed the door planting the letters in her draw leaving it half open so that once you entered you would notice it. Sliding under the bed she took out a weapon she never thought she would need.

She slipped it into her boot as the whistling persisted. Taking deep breaths she pulled the door open only to come face to face with Scott.

"Hello there sweetheart." Sickly sweetness dipped from his voice making her sick. He grabbed ahold of her hand pulling her roughly. "I have a surprise for you." He said excitedly trailing towards Max's room.

"Scott no!" She shouted. "I will come with you. I promise I will do whatever you want." she pleaded. Pushing her towards the wall he grinds on her. "You know what I want." He whispered in her as her breathing came in pants.

She nodded disgusted by him but she had to do this. "Scott let's leave." she coaxed and he agreed happily. "Be sure to scream for me baby, I will rock. Your. World." He sang the last part jokingly.

Marley sobbed as he forced her to step over Jacob laying limp on the floor. Just then her son cried and she wanted so much to mimic him. They passed the four bodyguards on duty at the time. There was blood. Too much blood.

Her sobs wrecked her body. She threw herself down on the sidewalk. "Whoa easy there." Scott dragged her up. "You're coming with me remember. Your going to do whatever I want."

He shoved her into the back of the minivan he glanced over to a rope laying in the van and smiled. She whimpered as he bounded her hands. His hands held her face and he smacked his lips against hers.

Closing and locking the van he tapped it twice whistling again. He was pulling away from the curb when he said. "See Scarlett it wasn't that hard."

Marley lowered herself onto the van's floor.

Family Secrets (Editing)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora