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A/N: Annoying I know but I just want to thank you guys for reading so far. Almost finished now so the journey is about to end. Hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it.


It was dark. That was all Marley knew. There were no windows and the front of the vehicle was blocked off. She hadn't planned this far. Shit she wished she didn't rush into this.

By now, she didn't know how long had passed. It felt like an eternity but by now she hoped the letters were found and that they actually had clues.

She hoped Jacob was okay and Max. Max was crying so much. Tears escaped her eyes and she quickly swiped them away. She had to be strong for them and the minute she got a chance she would be making her way back to them.

They hit a speed bump and she bounced into a trunk that flew open. She couldn't see but something heavy had fallen on her. She tried to move it but had no control of her hands.

They hit another speed bump and light peeked through a small crack in the side of the van. Bile rose in Marley's mouth and she tried not to vomit on herself squirming she tried to suffocate the scream that was tearing at her insides.

It was a hand. A human hand. Slowly she slouched down to the point when she could crawl from under it. Tears blinded her vision not that she could see anything and she crawled over to where the van was locked. She banged herself into the door desperately and hoped he didn't hear over the music.

She had to get out of there. Screw the plan she was actually going to die. She sent a silent apology up to her friend as she continued hurling herself at the door not taking into consideration what would happen if she was actually successful in opening it.

"Fuck." She cussed gagging at the memory of the hand on her. The hand of a corpse. There could be even more corpses. They had evidence now. "I don't want to die." She cried hysterically. "I haven't even had a grandchild. I haven't married Jacob."

Her tears missed with snort, she tried frantically to wipe it away. "I haven't told Jacob I loved him, I haven't even tried for kids, God if I make it out of this grant me a healthy womb." She cried banging furiously against the van doors.

She was thrown back by the force of the van screeching to a halt. Or so she thought. Before she could think about what was happening she hit her head on the very same trunk losing her conscious. "Fuck." Was the last word she uttered.


Everything made sense now. It had all fallen into place. It was a day after Marley has been taken and he wasn't feeling any less anxious. But now he had key information.

"Based on what is in these letters we know he has a method and is something of a perfectionist." Jacob sighed laying back into his couch. He hadn't slept a wink.

Max was fussy all night maybe aware that his mommy was away. "If he sticks to these then he won't hurt her for another two days." Rose stated hopefully causing the other man to groaned.

"Do you expect me to feel better or worse that he is a psychopath?" Jacob was ready to have his girl back safe with him. "What do we do now?" He asked the detective with eager eyes.

"We wait for the call from the lab." Rose confirmed glad they finally had a solid lead and we're finally going to end it all. It was the most nerve wrecking case so far. He had only been a detective three years and he really hoped he didn't start to pull cases like this often.

"What happens to the Lewis guy?" Jacob asked and the detective snorted. "He was glad to be taken to the holding cell. He was scared out of his mind when we had showed up. At the time we had thought it was because of his guilt and his age."

Jacob yawned tiredly. "Or he was threatened by someone he feared more than the police." He pointed out according to the letters Scott was that type of person. Or was he to say Derrick?

He wanted to get his sister away from the men but he wanted his woman to be safe too. In order to do both he had to wait. "There was a key in here any idea where the lock could be?" Rose turned the small key over in his hand.

"No Scarlett might have hid it someplace she knew no one but Marley could find it." His voice trailed off as he sat up. "I might know where it is." He concluded yet uncertain.

"Well." The detective hoped for the man to continue. "Marley's old apartment. It was ransacked the day of Scarlett funeral, maybe they were looking for this box or whatever it is." It made sense.

Jacob got up and paced back and forth. How could they not have seen this obvious clue. Nothing was stolen but they could very well have been looking for something.

"Let's go." He was ready to make his way out the door when the detective stopped him. "You have a baby upstairs you need to be here for. Let me handle this and you stay here. I will call if we come up with something."

Mr Norman was not pleased. Reluctantly he handed the keys to the apartment to Rose staring the man down. "Call me as soon as you find it." With a nod from the detective he let him out.

A shower sounded like the best thing for him so he headed towards it. Jacob allowed the water to cascade over him as he thought about all that had happened.

"Mars you better not do anything stupid." He whispered to himself. He was proud of her for having left the clues and for shaving years off his life the morning prior to get them.

He just hoped she would be fine.

Family Secrets (Editing)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon