21| Finally

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"I've got nothing." The detective sighed having looked through all the possible hiding places. "Have you checked the closets?" Jacob asked changing Max with the phone lodged between his shoulder and ear.

"Yes and the drawers and under the mattresses and in the kitchen everywhere. It's not here." The man sounded hopeless and Jacob thought back to when he and Marley had been together.

"Check behind the mirror." He stated wrapping up his little boy. "The mirror?" The man on the other line questioned with uncertainty. "Yes the one in Marley's room it spins."

Cleaning his hand with wipes he took his son into his arms. After all this was really over he would adopt the boy as his. His little ray of hope. Had it not been for him Jacob would have been so lost right now.

Hearing an intake of breath from across the line he questioned the other gentleman. "Rose what is it?" He asked placing Max back in his crib. The baby happily played with the little teddy bear he normally sleeps with.

"Man there is a gun in here." The detective whispered only to deepen Jacob's confusion. Why was Scarlett gifting Marley a gun? "Why do you think she would need it?" Jacob asked walking out to the balcony whose doors he was sure he had closed.

Closing it once more he turned around just in time to duck a blow coming for his head. Pushing forward he swung upwards at his attacker who was wearing a ski mask of all the cliche things.

The man fought back trying to get a handle on Jacob but the Norman son was not having it. He fed the intruder blow after blow to his chest and face. Stepping away he kicked the man. The intruder tried to scramble to his feet.

His metal bat lost in the fray Jacob now had it swinging lightly. He hit the man directly in the ribs jumping on him when he was down lodging the bat under his neck he unmasked him.

Scott, or Derrick was it he didn't care. Landing a blow in the nose he heard a crick. The man didn't seem like much of a fighter. Tearing his curtain down Jacob bound the man to a chair. His head lulled signifying that he has passed out from the pain.

Picking up the bat once more Jacob made his way back to the nursery only to see a figure clothed in full black above his child. The person held a pillow over him and his boy wasn't even crying.

Slowly he moved towards the figure. He tried not to let Max see him because he knew the child would react. He was too late because when he was about to take his swing his son laughed out alerting the intruder.

Jacob was late to swing but swung anyway. Instead of head he struck ribs again. This time however the man was a fighter. He caught the bat on the second swing throwing it across the room.

Jacob was not to be bested. This was his home he would never let what happened to Marley happen again. His stance changed and he waiting on the man to charge. Surprising him however the man decided to run for the door.

Jacob chases after him forgoing stairs by jumping but the man was fast. He was to the door when it flung open hitting him in the head. The intruder fell back and Jacob watched Rose march in.

"What happened?" He had his gun out of the holster. Jacob was panting and pointed at the man that was fleeing just a minute ago. Rose planted his foot on the man's midriff and pointed his gun down at him.

"You look terrible." Rose joked as Jacob continued trying to catch his breath. "You should see the other guy." The detective laughed at the man's little stunt.


Turns out the second intruder was actually Jeff. A bodyguard Jacob had hired to watch over his family. He hadn't expected it but was glad he knew.

Feeding Maxwell his dinner he was in deep thought. His phone rang and he sighed. His sister again. He wouldn't tell her too much.

He answered putting the call on speaker. "Yes Carla?" He didn't have time for this. Scott was still out there with Marley somewhere and he was still here doing nothing.

"Why did you have to hit him Jay?" His sister's voice poured out of the speakers. Not this again. "I hit him because he deserves it." He wasn't trying to save face. The bastard and his friends or whatever tried to kill his son and still held his woman captive.

"He was bleeding Jay!" His sister was such a drama queen. "Yes Carla but it was a hospital it's not uncommon to bleed there." He answered right away holding back the bit of information he had.

She wasn't in immediate danger so he would tell her that her fuck buddy was psycho twin as soon as time permits. "Jay you are such an idiot!" His sister screamed into the receiver and he laughed.

"Right back at you sis." He stated hanging up. "She is such a drama queen right my boy?" He asked Max who clapped happily. Another call was coming in. This time he answered before checking the caller ID.

"Carla I suggest you stop wasting your breath." Jacob said sighing deeply. He was tired. "Not Carla." Rose said and Jacob perked up. "Did you find something?" Hope flooded his voice and for once Rose wasn't going to crush it.

"The one that you bruised is Scott." He said. "His record is clean, he is like the poster child of go with the flow." Jacob groaned, it was getting all too confusing.

"Derrick's the one we all know. He has quite the record. Arrested at sixteen for killing his own father, rape, assault, battery, you name it this kid has done it." Rose supplied. "He got out of jail two weeks before Scarlett died."

"What now?" Jacob inquired. "What do we do now?" He was ready to have the nightmare end already. "Well I have assembled a team and we are heading to the place the journal spoke about, the one I found in the box." Jacob wanted to go. He needed to go.

"Jake man we will get her back." The detective said addressing the man casually for the first time to show him how much he meant it. "Also there was DNA found under Steven Calum's fingernails, Scott did it. He even confessed. Confessed to killing the lawyer too. He may be covering for the brother but having them both go away for a very long time is a blessing."

Rose waited for what he knew was to come. "I'm coming with you." The Jacob said, and there it was.

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