5| Max

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"I see what you mean." Carla was shocked to say the least. She looked between Marley and baby Max. "He's adorable isn't he?" Marley asked and Carla nodded absentmindedly.

"Do you know how to care for a baby M?" She inquired holding her hands out for her friend to transfer the child. "I have watched movies." Marley stated sheepishly.

"Movies are not real babe." Carla stated cooing to the little bundle in her hand. "Many parents don't know what they are doing and the child turns out just fine." Marley said watching Carla place Max in his crib.

"True." Her friend agreed and smirked. "Guess it's time to get you a man huh?" She joked and Marley stale faced her. "Come on M, he could help out." She wiggled her eyebrows playfully. Obviously meaning more than just with Max.

"I couldn't get a man before but now with a baby you think I have more chance?" Marley asked seriously. She looked around the nursery Scarlett and her had set up. There were pictures around of her and her friend.

"I know this guy and he." Luckily Carla's statement was cancelled by the door bell. Marley hurriedly walked toward her savior. Swinging the door open she hissed. "Oh it's just you." She stated uninterested in her guest.

"Expecting someone else sweet pea?" He asked and saw her roll her eyes. "Yes and don't you have work or something?" She asked with some amount of hostility. "I would ask you the same thing babe." He teased and she cussed under her breath letting him in.

"Carla your brother is here." Marley informed her friend walking back to the nursery where she had left her. Jacob was hot on her tail. He wouldn't give up the chance to stick by her and he still didn't know what the phone call yesterday was about.

Maybe about her friend, or something else. "Marley can we talk?" He asked noticing the very occupied crib in the room. He stared at her and down to her stomach. If she was pregnant he would have known wouldn't he?

"You're babysitting?" He asked. She snorted in answer "Not quite." Carla knew how her brother would feel and so as a good friend she fanned the flames.

"Little Max is Marley's baby boy." Carla cooed like the doting aunt she was going to play. Max was family now. "Your baby?" He asked angrily grabbing hold of her hand and leading her across the hall into her own room.

Carla laughed at his antics, ever the caveman. The sooner they got back together, the sooner they could give Max siblings. "You would like that wouldn't you?" She cooed at the sleeping baby a smile plastered on her face.

"Let go of me Jacob." Marley warned through clenched teeth and he unhanded her closing the door behind them. "A baby Marley seriously?" He asked and she shrugged which only drove him more insane.

He invaded her personal space grabbing her upper arms. "Do not shrug this off." He demanded and she laughed. For a second he stood there staring into his favorite pair of eyes. Hazel with specs of green.

"Marley you told me you didn't want children." He remembered the day she had said it too. It was right after they had made love for the umpteenth time and he had thought about marrying her.

"It just happened." She stated and he growled. "Just happened? Just happened Marley?" He asked lowering his forehead to hers. "I wanted you to have my children, why couldn't it had just happened with me?"

Marley was puzzled and for a moment she wanted to believe him but he had left right after she had said those words. The very next week he was out with a daughter of his client. He didn't care for her as much as she thought.

"Well it happened." She deadpanned and he shook her. "Who was he?" He asked and she was lost for words. This whole conversation was based off of a misunderstanding. She wondered if she should lie or just come out with the entire truth.

Before she could make words he released her and turned his back on her "It's fine, better if I don't know." He stated and it was the truth. He couldn't be around a man who had touched what was his.

He didn't even want to come to terms with the fact that she had a baby. A baby she didn't think to tell him she was having. "Does your father know?" He asked and she didn't answer.

"I said does he know!" He shouted and she jumped. "Yes." She answered her voice strained. "So I was the only fool in the dark about all of this." He shook his head and laughed bitterly.

"Jay." She was going to explain but he was not having it. Marching out of the room he made his way out the door without looking back. That should have been his child. Oh well he would just make one of his own, no use waiting for her now.

He kicked a trash can and swore. "Fuck." He had to blow off some steam and he knew just how to do it. He dialed a number and waited for her to answer.

"Hello." He smiled hearing her voice. "Hey Claire are you home?" He asked as seductively as he could manage. "Yeah?" She answered sounding somewhat flustered.

"I'll swing by after my next appointment." He stated. "Wear something sexy for me would ya?" He drawled knowing he had her where he wanted her.

"Yes." She croaked and he let out a husky laugh. She was always behaving so innocent when she was anything but. Cutting the call he went to walk for his car when he heard Marley's door slam.

A part of him wanted to go back in and take her into his arms but the part of him that was still very hurt could not care less. Walking to his car he made his way back to his office building, his break was over anyway.

Marley leaned onto the door eyes closed. "That didn't go well?" Carla asked from the kitchen and Marley smiled. "Your brother can be a real asshole sometimes."

She made her way to the fridge grabbing a water. "I admit it was somewhat my fault this time though, yours too." She commented pointing to her friend who simply shrugged.

"If he can't see what is in front of him it's neither of our faults."

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