15| Unexpected

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A/N: The topic of rape is broached. No additional details just the word being said a few times. Just a warning if anyone here cans the topic altogether.


Five months have passed since then, since Maxwell was born and Scarlett had died. Marley sat feeding the child while deep in thought.

Her phone rang and she looked to the caller ID. Surprise flash across her face and her eyes met Jacob's. "Feed him for me please I have to take this." Before Jacob could question the call she had stood up and taken it.

Leaving him to take up her post feeding the happy baby who was babbling and giggling at his own secret jokes. "Hello." Marley had said and waited for the caller to speak.

"Marley?" A breathless voice questioned and it was all the confirmation she needed to go into a fit of rage. "Where have you been?" Her anger rolled off of her and she could tell he did not expect it.

Jacob looked around at his flaming beauty with question and she mouthed a word to him that made him tense. "Marley is something wrong?" The caller inquired and she hissed her teeth.

"Wrong? Wrong you ask? Can you even imagine what I have been going through, what Max has been going through?" She was so angry she could spit. She knew he didn't like the boy but he was his uncle for Christ sake.

"Where have you been Scott?" She pinched the bridge of her nose. "Around." The man answered vaguely. She had enough of his flippant attitude.

"Scott I suggest you come up with a better excuse." Marley stated. "There has been a lot going on with you away." She heard him sigh as if the whole conversation was taxing to him.

"Fine I will swing by Jacob's later." He stated cutting the call. How did he knew she was here when she didn't tell him? Marley looked down at her phone in deep thought.

"Marley?" Jacob called and she turned to him. "What did he say?" Max's breakfast was all gone and the boy was clapping shakily. "Come to mommy." She stretched for him and took him into her arms.

Rocking him she thought back. "He said he was coming over." Jacob nodded. "Tell detective Rose about this for me please, I wouldn't want us to miss anything." Jacob was thinking the same thing.

"I will call later." He watched her playing with Max's little fingers blowing a raspberry on his stomach. Max's laughter boomed as Marley's hair flashed around.

He took a picture. Tucking his phone away with a note to print the pictures he took so far. He wanted to make the house look more lived in.

"No work today Jay?" She asked and He shrugged. He had planned on using video call to do his only appointment scheduled today. "I'm all yours." He wiggled his eyebrows are her.

"Say you will cook tonight." She pleaded now even Max was staring at him as if to say 'we're waiting'. "I could be persuaded." He answered cheerful. "What do you want?" She rolled her eyes at his attempt of looking attacked.

"I want to bend you over the sofa." Jacob started by saying laughing at her gasp for air. "A child is present." She chastised and he smirked. "How do you think he got here?"

Narrowing her eyes at him she shook her head. "You are going to cook anyway because you love me." She stuck her tongue out at him playfully.

"What that tongue do?" A knock on the door saved Marley from flushing bright red. She tried to control her emotions to school her features to seem unaffected.

She checked the peephole to see that it was only Carla. Opening the door for her friend she smiled. "To what do I owe this pleasure?" She did a small bow.

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