3| Ice Cream

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Marley tapped her foot to the rhythm flooding into her ears through her earphones. She was looking for the ice cream Scar had said she wanted.

It had been three days since she came to stay with her and she was enjoying having her around. She tried to put the elephant to the side of the room and live in the now.

She felt someone tap her on the shoulder and turned around to see who it was. Her cheerful mood instantly fell away as she sneered at the man before her.

"Jacob." She said his name with such distain. Her eyes roamed over his features briefly. He was wearing a white t-shirt that had his muscled arms on display, his shirt hinted at the abs that were beneath. Blue washed jeans and sneakers completed his look.

She wondered what it would be like to have him outside of these clothes and in her bed again. She chastised herself inwardly grabbing a tub of chocolate ice cream and a tub of cookies and cream.

"The one and only." He stated in a response to her having called his name. He watched as the little beauty grabbed another tub of ice cream. "Too much sweets isn't good for you." He pointed out to be met with a frown.

"I've got company over." She said without thought. Scarlett had always liked mixing chocolate ice cream with cookie and cream and coffee. It was her favorite treat even in college.

"Oh?" He asked raising an eyebrow. "Are you going to invite me to your ice cream party?" He coaxed. Jacob wanted to know who she could possibly have over at 8pm.

His face soured at the thought that it could be a man. He watched the little brunette walk away from him and a plan formed in his head. "Marley wait!" He called after her. She barely paused before starting to walk again.

He jogged over to her side and fell into stride with her easily. "Marley I was wondering." He was cut off by her phone ringing. "Hello?" Marley asked into the device and Jacob watched the color drain from her face.

"Right now?" She chocked out and nodded though the person on the other end couldn't see her. "Okay." She concluded and hung up. Closing her eyes she tried to keep her composure.

She was angry for some reason. Turning to Jacob she flashed him a glare. "What is it that you want Jay?" She demanded in a harsh voice and he threw his hands up in surrender. He knew better than to rile her up when she seemed to be having a breakdown.

"Are you okay Marley?" His question was not needed. It was a given that she wasn't anywhere near okay. "I will be as soon as you leave me alone." She stated dryly. Pushing her cart towards the cashier.

She bought the ice cream and rushed home. Scarlett was going into labor but everything was playing in slow motion. When she got to the house she hastily opened the door sending prayers up hoping her friend didn't actually have to die.

"Scar!" She called and turned when a groan answered her question. Helping her friend out of the house she fretted her lip. Her hands were shaking. The hospital bag was in her car already as a precaution.

Speeding to the hospital Marley unconsciously tried to encourage her friend with little comments like "You're doing great.", "We're almost there.", and "Please don't die."

At the hospital she got her a wheelchair and called for nurses. "Excuse me she's going into labor!" She shouted and before long she watched her friend being taken into the delivery room.

"Can I go with her?" She asked a doctor and he slowly appraised her as if she was gum at the bottom of his shoe. "Are you her relative?" He asked and she nodded. "I'm the closest she has to one." When Marley was allowed into the deliver room Scarlett was already pushing.

Two days ago Marley had asked her about this. Asked her if she had a c-section if it was possible she would live and Scarlett had shrugged. "I want to have the entire experience" she had said whispering that she was going to die anyway but Marley missed it being outraged at the time.

"You're doing great Scar." She whispered to her friend who was now squeezing her hand. "M I want to hold him." Tears brimmed at her eyes thinking of her little boy. "You will Scar, you will." Blinking back tears the process went on for another fifteen minutes.

The baby's cry could be heard in the room as well as Scarlett's sigh of relief. She watched as they cleaned her boy up. "Maxwell Aiden Walker." Scarlett had told Marley a day ago that was his name.

The baby was passed on to Scarlett by a nurse and she kissed his little head. "I'm your mommy and I love you so much." She confessed, "but I have to leave you my boy." She kissed him again. "Don't worry, aunty Marley will take good care of you." She stated confident in her friend's ability.

Her eyes fell closed and Marley shook her. "Scarlett?" She questioned softly at first and then came the hysterics. "Scarlett?!" She was gently moved away by a nurse who took Max away and the room of professionals sprung into action forcing Marley to leave.

Fat treacherous tears fell from her eyes. She had known this would happen but coming face to face with the reality was too much. She cried her heart out on the very uncomfortable chairs. When her tears refused to fall and her voice had gone hoarse, her throat sore she felt a tap on her shoulder.

Not again she shook furiously. She didn't want to see him now. Looking up however, she came face to face with not Jacob but the doctor from before. He held what Marley would describe as pity in his eyes and maybe just a bit of disgust.

She knew she looked horrible. "Marley Smith?" He questioned and she nodded. "The baby is healthy." He stated and paused as if she was supposed to piece the rest together. She knew but she wanted him to say it.

"And?" The last bit of hope in her questioned and the doctor casted his eyes downward. "Miss Walker did not make it." Marley nodded, she had no tears left to cry.

"When can I." She paused clearing her throat trying not to sound like a drowning frog. "When can I take him home?" She asked. The doctor actually smiled. "We have him on a watch so it all depends, but right now I can say he could be home by tomorrow."

Marley nodded sighing looking down at her intertwined hands. She didn't know what to do. She took her phone out and made a call.

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