16| Confession

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A/N: The warning from the last chapter still stands. The word rape is used a few times in this content. Please skip if you can this topic altogether I promise you will still be on track if you skip.


"It doesn't matter what you won't stand for Marley I will never acknowledge him as my nephew." Jacob rolled his hand into a fist.

"You better lower your voice before you wake him up." He understood where the was coming from if it was either of his sister's in this position he would probably have the same reaction. "Is there any other person who you think would hurt her?" He asked and the man shook his head negative.

"Good if you remember anything please let us know." Detective Rose said content with the information he got. "You may leave." Marley said already having enough of Scott's presence.

"Fine by me." He said getting up. "Can I use your bathroom real quick?" He asked sheepishly giving a strained smile. "Down the hall first turn to the right." Jacob instructed and he nodded heading in the direction.

"If he isn't back in five minutes I'm going to check." Marley whispered making Jacob cackle. "Cut him some slack would you?" He joked.

If looks could kill Jacob would have been preparing for his funeral. "Detective Rose I'm sorry I had to call you out and we didn't get useful information." Marley was saying when Scott came back into the living room.

"I'm leaving." He said heading straight for the door. "Goodbye." Marley called after him not that she cared where he went.

Seeing as the other visitor had left Detective Rose spoke up. "We ran background checks on all the persons in that college photo and something stood out." Marley gestured for him to continue.

"Martin Lewis, have you heard of him." She nodded. "Business administrations professor, big glasses kinda eccentric." Pervert. She rattled off what she remembered of the man. She was not very social so she only knew persons in passing.

"You could add the fact that he has three restraining orders against him from three of the females in the same picture. Sighing she rubbed her head. "Samantha, Lorie and Jane?" She asked and his eyes went wide.

"How do you know?" He was curious of her now. She seemed well informed about most affairs even when she wasn't connected to them. "I didn't. It was a guess fueled by gossip I heard from Scarlett." Raising an eyebrow he implored her to continue.

"She said that she heard through the grapevine that Samantha was having sex with him so that he could give her good grades on her midterms. She also said that Lorie and Jane found out and wanted her to stop." Marley got comfortable next to Jacob putting her head on his shoulder.

"That's all I knew but if the girls were in the picture it had to be them." Marley clarified trying to remember something else. "That was actually the last year he taught there so I figured things blew up." She shrugged.

"I assume you also know that he is wanted for murder." Marley sat alert puzzled by the development. "Murder?" She couldn't see it. The man was so frail looking and it seemed like his whole body shook when he spoke. His class was one she had often forfeited to study in the library.

"He was such a shaky character I doubted him having steady sexual practice and murder? I couldn't see that happening." Jacob looked over at her. "Why so outraged Ms Smith do you know more than you let on?" Rose inquired.

Marley was taken aback to say the least. "Detective I like to think that I am good at judging character." She started off by saying. "The man that just left here is hiding something and I think everyone in this room can tell that." She looked between Jacob and Rose and they didn't seem convinced.

"Why would you say that?" Rose was unsure of where the lady was going with this. "He knew I was at Jacob's without me telling him anything about my house being ransacked. As a matter of fact when he left Jacob and I were going through a phase, if he wasn't informed he couldn't have known I was here."

"Yes but he could have already been in town and ran into one of your family members." The detective stated and she nodded. "You are right but if he was in town he would have known Steven was dead, Carla told me it has become number one gossip."

The detective took that into consideration. He knew people had been talking. The runner who had found him was quite the blabbermouth. With his identification being found just a little off from where his dead body had laid it made for hot news.

That and many journalists had covered the story. Wherever Scott was he should have known. "This isn't enough reason to doubt him Marley." Jacob stated and she sighed.

"Jay you know I don't go into things half assed. Back in college Scarlett told me something when she was drunk. It was none of my business and she made me promise not to tell."
Marley took a deep breath. She didn't know how the information would be received but Scarlett wasn't here to talk for herself.

"Why did you withhold information Ms Smith anything would have been useful." Rose closed his eyes and massage his temples.

"I hadn't told because it was never something I wanted to pass my lips or wanted to believe." Jacob shifted Max into his cot gaining space to wrap his arms around her for support. She smiled at him.

"Scarlett was raped." Rose nodded. "Yes by Steven Callum we will run tests to see if." He was cut off by Marley shaking her head. "She was raped by her father and a guy she called Derrick." Tears pooled in Marley's eyes and Jacob soothed her.

He had no idea that the same happy Scarlett that Marley always talked about went through all of this. "Her father held her down for Derrick and you know, they." Detective Rose was alert, there were so many problems woven into this case.

"Her father died in a car accident." Rose said "But we have no way to find this Derrick person. Didn't she say a last name? Another clue?" He just wanted this case to be solved already.

"She said he was dead." Marley stated. Rose nodded trying to understand. "What does this have to do with Scott?" Jacob asked before the detective had a chance.

"I just doubt that a teenage brother knowing this is happening to his sister wouldn't retaliate." Marley answered honestly.

"You said it was two men, what could he really have done?" Rose asked sighing. Ms Smith must be tired and want to cast blame. It's not the first time a victim has behaved like this on no solid evidence at all.

"Because she told me that he watched." Marley said. "Detective if your twelve year old sister was being raped by two men, repeatedly could you have just watched?" She asked in accusation.

She hadn't thought Scott the best person but she didn't see him as the worse either. When he stayed with her he was a couch potato or he was at the club. She didn't get to know him to see if his sister's accusations were true but the way her friend had cried that day, the pain evident in her features told Marley something was wrong.

"Get some rest Ms Smith." Rose said excusing himself for the door. She was just clutching at straws now. Her friend could have easily been making it up. Without proof there was nothing he could act on.

He would run an additional background check but that would be all.

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