Chapter 22 - The End of Days

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End of Chapter 21 -

"Y/N, don't make me regret this. It's more than that, now I reckon the Daleks need these twenty seven planets for something. But, what if it becomes twenty six? What happens then, Daleks? Would you risk it? It's the Crucible or the Earth."

"Transmat engaged." Dalek Supreme states.

"No!" Martha screams out before being teleported to an unknown location. Where have they sent her? What do they want with her? The key drops as she is teleported, the other two Osterhagen Stations stare in disbelief as she disappears.


"Martha!" You exclaim, rushing to wrap your arms around the Doctor as you begin to cry. Martha is one of your best friends, where have they sent her? "You asshole, Davros! You'll regret that!" Unwrapping your arms from around the Doctor's torso, you dart towards Davros with Jack's pistol. He turns round and you shoot the artificial eye in his forehead. "You monster!" You shout.

"Y/N! Stop!" Martha shouts as she teleports into the Vault and falls to the floor. Jack turns to face her and helps her stand. "I'm okay! I'm alive! Drop the gun."

"Martha? You're here?" You question and turn round to face her.

"Yes, Y/N. I'm here." She answers, holding her arms out for you to run into. You practically jump into her arms, still crying (not out of fear anymore but out of happiness and relief). You bury your head in her neck as she strokes your back in an effort to calm you down. "Jack, take your pistol back before Y/N does something they regret. Y/N, hey. We need to stop the Daleks, can you do that with us?" She feels you nod into her neck and she moves her hand to stroke your hair, "good."

A gust of wind interrupts your thoughts. "That's impossible." The Doctor whispers, running a hand through his hair. You raise your head to look at him, the Doctor still staring to where the wind is coming from.

"Brilliant." Jack says in shock.

Donna steps out of the TARDIS with someone following her. The man is wearing a black t-shirt with blue trousers and a blue blazer. His hair is spiked just like the Doctor's is. Wait, it is the Doctor? I'm so confused! The 'Doctor' is carrying Jack's gun that was left on the TARDIS, the Doctor never carries guns, let alone uses them. He then proceeds to run past Donna and towards Davros, just as you had previously done. "Don't!" The Doctor exclaims, holding his hand out towards the other Doctor who turns to face his doppelganger. Donna looks to him and then back at the other Doctor, she stares at him and he backs down.

"Doctor! Oh my God I'm so happy to see you! Well, the real you. Not this idiot." Donna rejoices, "you too Y/N! Martha! Jack!"

"Donna, what happened?" You ask, moving your hands to the top of your head and then towards the ceiling. "Who is that?"

"The Doctor. You know the spare hand? Well, as the TARDIS was being dumped into the core of the Crucible, I reached out to it. Regeneration energy began flowing out of it and into me, but at the same time into him. The hand turned into the Doctor, but he's human. One heart. Two-way biological metacrisis. I'm technically half Doctor and half Donna." She explains.

"The Doctor Donna! Just like the Ood said, remember? They saw it coming, the Doctor Donna!" The Doctor realises.

"See, you Time Lords are lacking that little bit of human. That gut instinct that comes hand in hand with Planet Earth. I can think of ideas you two couldn't dream of in a million years. Ah, the universe has been waiting for me!" Donna blurts out. "Let's send the planets back to where they came from! Come on you skinny boys in suits, get to work!"

The Doctor and the Metacrisis-Doctor rush to where Donna stood at the control desk. "Y/N, we could use your help too. See, four Daleks need to operate this system and need an extra person. Care to join?" Donna asks, pointing you to the fourth station at the desk. "On three, pull the two handles on either side of you. One, two, th-"

A slam can be heard from the other side of the Vault as Mickey bursts through the door. Rose, Jackie and Sarah Jane follow behind him. "Doctor! You don't know how happy I am to see you!" Jackie exclaims. "We've been around the whole ship looking for the Vault and we finally found it. Hey, Ros-" Rose pushes past her mother and runs towards the Doctor and jumps into his arms. He wraps his arms around her waist, completely forgetting about the handles for a split moment. He puts her down and instructs everyone to attack the Daleks in any way they can. Donna continues to flick switches and push buttons, rendering the Daleks unable to use their blasters.

"Let's go guys! One, two, three! Activate magnetron." Donna instructs.

"Off you go, Clom." The Doctor states, pressing a button on his left.

"Back home, Adipose Three."

"Shallacatop, Pyrovillia and the Lost Moon of Poosh. Sorted, ha!" Donna laughs, the Metacrisis-Doctor laughing with her.

"Is anyone gonna tell us what is going on?" Rose asks, standing next to both of the Doctors, opposite you and Donna.

"He poured all his regeneration energy into his spare hand. I touched the hand, and he grew out of that but that fed back into me." Donna begins to explain. "But, it just stayed dormant in my head til the synapses got that little extra spark, kicking them into life. Part human, part Time Lord! I got the best bit of the Doctor, I got his mind."

"So, there's three Doctors?" Rose asks.

Everyone continue to mess with the Daleks as you four put the planets back to their original spots. Dalek Supreme turns to the control panel beside him and turns a dial, making the power cut out. "Oh! We've lost the magnetron, and there's only one planet left. Guess which one, but we can use the TARDIS!" The Doctor states, running into the TARDIS.

"The prophecy must complete." A Dalek states, and the Metacrisis-Doctor chooses to listen to him. "I have seen the end of everything Dalek, and you must make it happen Doctor."

"He's right, with or without a reality bomb, this Dalek Empire is big enough to slaughter the cosmos. They've got to be stopped." The Metacrisis-Doctor agrees.

You stare in shock. This version of the Doctor is too human, he's willing to sacrifice everything and everyone on board. "Just wait for the Doctor." You whisper, earning a glare from him.

"I am the Doctor." He states, pushing you out the way. "Maximising Dalekanium power feeds, blasting them back!"

"What have you done?" You whisper, looking around as all the Daleks begin to explode. You glance over at Dalek Ghac and he explodes too, even though he is already dead. "Doctor, what have you done?!"

"Fulfilling the prophecy." He answers in an almost demonic tone, staring at you. You wince, this isn't like the Doctor at all. He's a completely different person, just the same DNA and brain power. This isn't your Doctor.

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