XVIII. six days until the merge

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Nick had to tell George to take a break four times before he actually listened, passing out on Nick's living room couch with his laptop cradled safely in his arms.

Nick watched the Brit snore for a moment before removing the laptop from his arms and covering him with a blanket. George had been awake all night reverse engineering the security code that ILES had protecting their facility. He'd mentioned the code to Clay before, it was commonly referred to as the BBH code, named after it's creator's initials. It was cyber secure for over 50 long years, and George planned to be the one to break it. All to save Clay and Dream.

Nick sighed, closing his eyes for a moment. He had to go into the restaurant today, he'd been avoiding working for too long, helping to keep tabs on his friends. Nick promised George he'd be back in a few hours to help some more, he'd just needed to do some stuff at work.

He'd made sure to lock George inside, hoping that they'd be safe from ILES at Nick's house. Nick sighed loudly as he entered Sap's Palace, seeing the upbeat and happy atmosphere of his restaurant was a complete contrast of the last few days. His waiters and waitresses were kind to their customers, the band playing preppy music, and the chatter from the customers would normally make Nick smile, but today it brought him little joy.

He went into the back, greeting the cooks and waiters there before sliding into his host jacket, preparing himself to talk to some customers when he saw a very familiar woman walk through the door.

She was tall, easily 6'0 or so without heels. Her face was long and she looked very proper. Her white pantsuit contrasted the energetic atmosphere of the restaurant as she entered the building with a man in a doctors uniform.

It wasn't until he was close enough to see the logo plastered on her pin that he realized who she was.

Why the hell is the president of ILES in my restaurant?

Nick said something to the waitress assigned to her table, telling the girl that he would serve her instead. He had a plan in mind.

She's probably here because of my connection to Clay and George, but if I can get any information out of her about where they are it might be useful. Nick walked over to the table confidently, presenting himself. "Hi, I'm Nick. I own this restaurant and I'll be your server for this evening. How can I help you?"

"I'll just have a water please." The doctor's voice was monotone and uncaring. Nick wanted to punch him in the face.

"And for you ma'am?" Nick turned to face President R, who watched him carefully.

"Same for me please."

Nick figuratively rolled his eyes, nodding and saying he'd return with them shortly. After grabbing the waters he noticed R was sitting somewhere that she could keep an eye on Nick as he worked. He hoped it was just a coincidence.

The warm restaurant felt even warmer as he walked back to the table seating the woman who was holding his friends hostage. "Here you go." Nick put the waters on the table slowly, pretending to just have seen her ILES logo. "You look very familiar ma'am, have we met before?"

"No I don't think so," she spoke calmly, her voice was kind, trustworthy. Yet it was stern and cold all the same. "I am the head of ILES, you might have seen me on television."

Nick furthered his lie. "That must be it. I have two friends who work for you, their names are Clay and George, do you know them?"

"Of course I know them, Clay and George are some of my most diligent workers." She smiled up at Nick. Bitch. Nick spit the insult at her in his head.

"I'm not sure what's happened to them recently, they used to come around here all the time. I've not heard from either of them after they said they'd completed this top secret code thing." Nick added a laugh for good measure, watching the president of ILES shift uncomfortably.

"George has been on home leave for being sick. Clay however has been working with us day and night for the last week or so. I'll make sure they contact you immediately." She studied Nick's face, and he could only hope he was good enough at lying for her to believe him.

"Thank you," Nick smiled, "Are we ready to order?"


Dream woke up strapped to a chair. Again. His head pounding from the truth serum that he'd ingested as he looked around the dark room.

A loud audio screeched from a speaker as someone began speaking. "Good evening."

"Fuck you!" Dream threw up a middle finger from his strapped down wrist.

"Language!" The voice gasped over the mechanical radio. "I'm Dr. Halo, you might remember me from our encounter at the hospital."

Dream's head hung low. "Yeah I remember. I remember how punchable you looked." He growled out.

Dream sighed. His creation was never meant to be this extensive of a problem. He was supposed to live a happy life and then boom! Be returned to one person with Clay.

Yet here he was, strapped to a chair for like the second time this week.

"I'll be monitoring your vitals during this test. The scientists have created a simulation that will allow them to see how connected you and your counterpart actually are. And you're strapped down for safety." Dr. Halo explained. "You'll be subjected to an Augmented Virtual Reality world in which you and Clay must work together to get out."

"What? That makes no sense?!" Dream yelled, hearing the squeak of a machine getting closer. He tried to look over his shoulders, but he couldn't see what was behind him.

The room went darker, someone strapped the machine over Dream's eyes as he struggled against the restraints.

Clay?! Dream called out desperately. CLAY?! WHAT ARE THEY DOING TO US?!

He heard the remnants of a 'good luck' as his world fell into a digital darkness.

— 1010 words

Unknownuser55555 Got yeeted by the man behind the slaughter

Unknownuser55555  Got yeeted by the man behind the slaughter

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