An untold story

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water drops fell from the leafs to the gound after a fresh rain storm. Children was heared laughing as they played in puddles and mud. 

The grey coulds hadn't past yet, still flowing over the small vilage. Close to the vilage was a forest, not to big but big enough to get lost. A small child was walking about the forest in a little yellow rain coat and boats. He was playing with some animle's before a noice not far away sceared both him and the animle's. ''Hello?'' The child called out.

When out of the bushes a boy came out, beaten and weak. The child  gasped as he ran over to the boy, who was leaning on a tree. ''Are you okay?!'' he yelled as he ran over to the boy. He took the boy's chine and was met with red and yellow eyes. After a minute of looking at his eyes. The boy fell forwards into the childs arms, leaning on him. The child looked in worry before takeing off his rain coat and placeing it over the boys soulder's. As they slowly walked out of the forest, true the town, over a brigde and up to a castle.



''Are you really a demon?!'' The child said in amazment as star's shined in his eyes. A week after the child brought the boy to the castle, his home. As the boy recovered the two had started to bond, becomeing brother's. ''Yep!'' the demon said proudfully as he sat in the bed. The child's sparkled with stars as the demon chuckled. ''Stop that! Or I'm gonna have to start calling you Star!'' The demon chuckles. The child playfully pounded before smileing . ''Then I'm gonna call you Ace!'' the child said happyly.

''Ace?'' The demon asked. ''Because your so good in card game's! I still think your cheating!'' The child said. ''It's only cheating if your caught, dear brother.'' The demon said slayly. The two laughed until a deap voice called out to them.

''Come on boy's..''


The two children where walking around town while their dad was doing buisness around town. Star was behide Ace, holding his head while looking around sceard. Star was normaly never out of the castle, other then that he was in the forest. He looked around until spoted someone. 


There was almost no time to react. In one moment the boy was standing and in the next he was on the ground with a younger boy on top. ''Hehe! well well, if it isn't feather's! You roled a six, again!'' K.D said as he ruffled the younger boys hair as Ace walked over. ''Why, hello there.'' K.D said as he spoted the new boy.


''So you two have never been on the other side of the forest?'' Ace asked as the three sat in the forest. ''No, days the outside world is sceary...'' Star said  as he rubed his arm's,  something he did when he was nervous or sceared. ''whoever try's to leave never comes back, the guards make sure of that.'' K.D said as he looked at Star. ''D-Dad says I-I'll do the same when I get older...'' Star said as he started to shake as tears started to well up. ''Don't worry, that wont happene... we'll get out of here...''

--------------years later



Yelling could be heared from down stairs as the fight went on. While K.D was holding a crying and sobing Star. Trying to comfert him and blocking out the yelling. ''We'll get out of here... I promise...'' K.D whispered as he hold the breaking boy close.



Three hodded figers ran true the forest, the guards not far behind. The moon shineing true the tree's made it a little easyer to see. As they where runing they could hear yelling a while back. After geting enough time to hide they stumbled onto a river and two boats. ''Only two can fit in one boat, anymore and it wil sink.'' K.D said nervosly. ''If we don't take both theres a chance they can follow us...'' Star mumbled as he looked around, makeing sure no one else was around.

Not long after the sound of yelling and footsteps started to come closer. ''K.D, get in a boat..'' Ace said as K.D obeid. Star was about to walk over to the other boat until Ace stoped him. ''Wait...'' Ace said as he took a hold on Stars arm. Star turned to look at him as he took something out of his pocket. ''That river splits... there is no chance we are going the same way..'' Ace said as he placed a playing card into Star's hand, the ace of spades.

''I knew you allways cheated...'' Star mumbled as he teared up. ''Come on! They are catching up!'' K.D yelled from the boat. Star quickly placed something into Ace's hand before runing of to the boat and takeing off. Ace followed and when they where far enough from land, he looked at the item.

It was a blue flame like loucket with a star on it. He looked over to Star and yelled ''Until we meet again, M/N!''. M/N turned to them and waved ''Until we meet again!''. As the boats drifted father and father apart.


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