Meeting the wasabi crew

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Me and James step into the dojo and are instantly met with a group of people looking at us a blonde man walks towards us.
"Hi I'm Rudy can I help you?" He asks.
I smile at him and he smiles back before my brother says "hi I'm James and this is (y/n) we just moved here we're looking to join a dojo ?"
The group now gather around us making me slightly nervous. Before Rudy says "wow we're did you move from?"
"We're from England we actually just moved into our house today, but we love karate and we saw the dojo when we were passing" I say smiling at the group.
"Great well show us what you can do!" Rudy says with a huge smile on his face.
James and I step up to the wooden boards and add three to the one that's already there before going into our stance and braking them together. We smile at each other and turn to see Rudy and the others looking shocked.
"Can you sparr?" A blonde girl said.
"Yeah you want to see me beat his sorry butt ?" I question pointing a my brother.
She giggles and I hear James say " your on princess!"
" Ok take your positions." Rudy says looking between the two of us "and fight" he shouts
And with that the battle began James was the first to strike he threw a punch and I let it hit my chest he smirked thinking he was winning I let my eyes water his smirk disappears and he looks worried and that when I grab his arm and flip him. He hits the floor with a thud but jumps to his feet and mutters "you little shit!" I smirk at him before hitting him with a spinning back kick pushing him further away almost out of the ring. He attacks back throwing kicks and punches like there's not tomorrow before walking straight into my side kick he falls to the floor grunting in pain and that was it I won. I ran to my brother helping him up and saying " awww better luck next time princess" and walking to Rudy who's is just staring with his mouth wide open. I giggle and ask if his ok before he snaps out of his thought and shakes both our hands.
" wow you two are pretty good" a boy with longish hair says.
"Thanks we practice like all the time!" James chuckles "oh I'm James i don't know if I said that already" he says to the group.
"God you must think we're horrible we never introduced ourselves!" The blond girl says "I'm Kim by the way!" I smile at her "I'm (y/n) it's lovely to meet you Kim!" Then the long haired boy turns to me shakes my hand and says " I'm jack it's lovely to meet you!" He smiles and god he's handsome. I mutter a small hi and feel my checks heat up god am I blushing. The next boy was slightly smaller he looked a bit weedy but he seemed sweet.
"I'm Milton, you to seem to have a lot of fun!" He says. I smile my brother laughs and says "you could say that."
"I'm eddy by the way." The chubbier boy says and the last one was a tall boy who stared at me
"Yooooo you are fine! I'm Jerry!" He winked
"Delighted to meet you Jerry" I laughed my brother just glared at him before turning to Rudy "so we in ?" He questioned
I held my breath I want to be in this dojo.
"You two are so in. Your a great fit here!" Rudy laughed. I squeal and jump into my brothers arms.
"Thank you Rudy honestly you don't know how excited I am to start here!" I smile .
My phone rings and I walk to the side to take it
"Hello? Mum what's up! No if she takes my room I will kill her!" I laugh
"Yeah fine she can take Jame's room he can sleep on the floor!" I shout teasing my brother who shouts a shut up back!
"Ok we will be there soon bye mum!" I say
"Hey bro we gotta go, were gonna go to uncle bobs!" I laugh.
He smiles "ok race you home!" And with that he ran off.
"Bye guys see you soon!" I smile before racing off to catch up with my brother!

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