Girly shop

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I walk beside Kim in a comfortable silence I felt bad about not going to school but I also felt like she would understand I was new and I felt stupid after kissing jack. Pushing the thoughts from my mind I decide to make conversation.
"So kim, how was school today?" I roll my eyes thinking of how old that made me sound god I feel like my mum!
"It was good we missed you though. Is everything ok?" She asked I panick do i tell her oh god.
"Yeah I'm fine I just did something dumb!" I laugh hoping she wouldn't ask anymore.
"Oh what you do ?" She questioned giggling slightly.
"Ummm well.." I gulp trying to think of something. "I kissed someone from school and I don't want my brother to find out or the others cause they might hate me!" I blurt out.
"Wow ok. Who'd you kiss come on spill the beans!" Kim laughs clearly thinking it would be some nerdy kid.
"Jack" I whisper feeling embarrassed.
She looks at me and smirks "I knew he fancied you!" She squealed.
"No he doesn't he ran off after and said it was a mistake!" I whine. She stares at me
"Well I think he was just nervous!" She states before dragging me into a shoe shop. There were thousands of shoes all lined perfectly on the shelves it was almost beautiful. The bright colours and styles all arranged in a certain order. It was nothing like the shoes shops in England.
"Wow look at these Kim !" I shout she runs towards me and sees the beautiful golden heels with glitter on the heel.
"Wow! They are beautiful! You should get them!" She says in awe of the shoes.
"I would love them but when am I going to wear these!" I say holding them up. She smirks which kind of scares me god what is she planning.
" I'll set you up on a double date with me and you and I can dress up really cute and you can wear those!" She squeals picking up some heels of her own and pushing me towards the counter. It felt nice having a girly friend who would help me like this.
When we got out of the shop I look at Kim and realize I don't have an outfit for the date.
"Kim will you help me buy an outfit for the date ?" I was nervous but whoever she would set me up with I wanted to look good.
"Of course this day is just getting better!" She quickly grabs my hand and rushes to the next shop we picked out about three thousand outfits and tried them all on cat walking down each isle just having fun. When we finished we both had four outfits that were date ready and damn they were cute.
We walked out of the shopping center together and decided it was time to head to Phil's for a snack. After ordering a good amount of food we sat in our booth and chatted about random things. I could see Kim start to think about something as she daydreamed off into her own world.
"You ok ?" I ask waving my hand infront of her face.
"Yeah (y/n) whats your type of guy ?" She questioned clearly thinking about our double date.
" hmmm he should be funny, and pretty kind as well as sporty. I want to have something in common with him, I want him to be pretty handsome but looks aren't everything. I don't know I just want a cool guy who will laugh with me and be really sweet!" I sigh feeling like I wouldn't find that around here.  the only guy I like was jack and he made his feelings more than clear.
"Your so sweet, I think I know the prefect person for you." She smiled I smile back hoping she was right.
Tomorrow I'm going to go back to school and just be confident because there are other fish in the sea.
"Hey I've got to go thank you for the girly day I had fun and it's really cheered me up. I'll see you at school tomorrow ?" I ask
She just nods but before I leave I hear her shout. "The dates on Friday be ready !"
God that's 2 days away I need to plan my hair make up everything thank god we got new outfits.
I rush home and start to wonder who she's got to go out with me. Better not be frank!

Sorry it's short I'm going to write a longer chapter tomorrow I hope your liking it so far! Xxx

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