Uncle bob's

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Rushing home we got changed and headed to our uncles house! Bobby was great he was fun he had Ninas and I always used to play with them when I was young but now we just have dance battles and of course put on shows for my family. Tonight was no different me and my brother were jumping around singing and dancing to songs from Hamilton the Ninas dancing around us and we were rocking!
After a few hours we sat for dinner Bobby's cooks had made a wonderful feast for us and Bobby was making a speech about how nice it was to have his little sister and her husband and  nieces and nephew back and living closer to him. We finished up dinner and went into My uncles cinema room and watched frozen 2 because Jess wouldn't stop talking about watching it, and of course my uncle couldn't say no to her. So here we were watching the movie together.
After the movie we walked home and headed straight to sleep.
*the next day *
I wake up and think about what I can do today. I start school tomorrow and I really want to have a good day before I go to hell.
Then it hits me the dojo! I rush to my head I get changed and run out the door all the way to the dojo. I crash through the doors to see jack and Rudy staring at me.
"Hey guys , do you mind if I train in here today." I ask
"That would be nice, maybe I can take you for lunch, uhhhh you know to get to know you!" Jack stuttered clearly blushing. I giggle god his cute.
" that would be great thanks jack." I smile and with that we set off working.
I worked the kicking BOB. Then started training with the bow staff but I drop it almost smacking myself in the head with it.
"Oh god are you ok?" Jack ran to me worry clear in his voice. I giggle and nod
"I'm fine jack. It didn't actually hit me!" I laugh
"You need to be more careful" Rudy says, chuckling lightly.
"Sorry Rudy!" I laugh and he waves it off "so Jackie you want to get lunch now ?" I ask pinching his cheeks as I say Jackie teasing him!
"Yeah I guess." He says and with that we make our way to Phil's I grab a table as jack orders when I try and give him the money back he shuts me down saying it was his treat.
"So cutie, tell me about yourself!" Jack teases me.
"Ummm my name as you know is (y/n), I have been doing karate for 10 years and I also do taekwondo and am a third Dan black belt! I have a brother call James and sister called Jess and yeah I'm pretty boring." I laugh he smiles at me and god he looks handsome and those eyes god I could drown in them.
I clear my throat snapping myself from the daydream "and what about you pretty boy tell me about yourself." I giggle as he scrunches up his nose at the nickname.
" I'm pretty normal, I mean I've done karate all my life and I moved to Seaford a while ago, I ummm get nervous talking to pretty girls hmm yeah.." he laughed
" you nervous now pretty boy?" I asked
He smirks " you think I'm pretty ?"
"Whatever pretty boy" I laugh
He smiles at me before asking "we're you doing to school?"
"Umm Seaford high, I start tomorrow, I'm kind of nervous." I sigh
" I go there, I'll look after you and anyway a pretty girl like you will fit in fine." He's smile drops as if to say did I really just say that!
"Hey, I've got to go home. I'll see you tomorrow okay." I ask and he smiles before walking with me to the end of the shopping center.
" oh jack I forgot something." I say
He turns to me "are you ok ?" He asks
And with that I kiss his cheek and mutter a small "thanks" before running home.

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