The picnic

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Today school seemed to drag on as all I could think about was spending time with jack after school was over. My last class was going so slowly and I was becoming inpatient the clock showed I have 5 minutes left and I start to pack my things away. As soon as the bell rings I run to my locker putting my books and pencil case away and running to jacks locker. Waiting for him. I see him coming and then drag him out of the school and all the way to my house once there we change out of our school clothes and I lead him to the lake around the corner from my house it's got a forest around it and the water is clear beautiful.
"Wow it's amazing here!" Jack says in awe
" I know it's a real hidden gem" I squeal excitedly we put down the picnic blanket and all the food before sitting down and looking out onto the lake.
"Thank you for sticking up for me yesterday! My brother told me what happened" I smile and look into his Beautiful eyes. He smiles back and says "it was nothing really all I did was stick up for a beautiful girl who needed my help!" He smirks.
"You think I'm beautiful ?" I question raising my eyebrow.
"Maybe!" He chuckles and with that he stands up and looks into the lake.
"Hey what's that?" He asks I look into the lake but I can't see anything so I ask
"Jack what are you talking about!"
"What do you mean look right there ! What's that?" He questions I look closer and still can't see anything. Just as I'm about to ask him I get pushed into the water squealing and slashing as I fall in.
"Jack that wasn't nice!" I laugh.
"Sorry princess want some help getting out." I nod and grip his hand before pulling him in with me. We start to splash around and all I can hear is the crash of the water against us and our laughter.
"Jack stop a second" I shout over the splashing of the water.
He stops and with that I send a huge splash over him.
" you cheeky little shit!" He chuckles and grabs me pulling me towards him before dunking us both in the water.
"Aghhhh" I shriek coming up for air. Only to be pulled back into jacks chest. I look up at him and stare into his eyes. God his hot I think to myself.
"You look stunning" jack mutters and starts to lean in. Is he gonna kiss me. I begin to panic and before I know it out lips are touching my arms wrap around his neck as his picks me up and wraps my legs around his waist holding my legs to keep me up. After a short while we both pull away. But jack looks sad and puts me down in the water swimming to the edge of the lake before getting out and saying.
"I'm sorry (y/n), I have to go see you around!"
He left just like that I was just stood in the lake feeling stupid. I get out and slowly pack everything up feeling so dumb for thinking he would like me. After packing up I make my way home and go straight to bed and have a little cry. It sounds stupid but I thought jack was different and I thought that kiss meant something but it clearly didn't. After realizing crying won't do anything so I push my feelings aside and tell myself we make good friends I won't ruin that. I send jack a text before heading to bed.
To jack
Hey, so clearly what happened to day was a mistake and that's ok but I'd still like to be friends. We can forget the kiss ok so don't worry. Hope to see you tomorrow!
From (y/n)
And with that I go to bed and think about how great today was and how sad I feel. But tomorrow's a new day!

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