First day at school

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My alarm goes off and I instantly feel sick. Today is the first day of school me and James never really had too many friends at school cause we were always moving around so we sort of spent time together. But it was different today, James had left with out me! He left a note saying "sorry (your nickname), I want a fresh start. Can't be seen hanging out with my sister all day! Have fun you'll be fine! Love J x"
As much as I love my brother I wanted to kill him. I now have to walk to school by myself and I'm already nervous as hell! I thought he'd at least help me through today, but no he's already trying to be cool.
I walk to school feeling like I might throw up with every step I take, my hands are starting to sweat and shake and I'm starting to think about just running home and saying I'm Ill but I know I can't so I take the step and walk into the school grounds and start to the reception.
"Hi ya doll, how may I help ?" An older looking lady ask.
"I'm new here I don't really know what to do?" I say starting to shake.
"Hey sweetie, don't panic you'll do great here's your schedule and your locker number. Deep breaths your going do great !" She smiles.
"Thanks!" I smile nervously and then head off in the adventure to find my locker number 4568.
Once i find my locker I keep putting in my code but it wouldn't open.
"I'm going to be late and it's my first day!" I whine.
"Hey, cutie pie need some help?" A deep voice asks. I really can't be bothered with this guy hitting on me!
"No it's fine, thanks tho." I stutter
"No let me help you! I'm frank!" He says putting his hand on my locker.
"I said I'm fine just leave me alone please!" I shout now getting a few looks from people around me.
"Frank leave her alone!" Jacks voice rings through the halls. I smile at him weakly and frank walks away.but turns around to shout something at me "you'll be mine pretty girl!" He spits at me and fear runs through me. My first day and I've already been threaten this never happened in England.
"Thanks jack, can you help me with my locker!" I ask starting to feel nervous.
"Of course. I told you I would look after you today." He smiles and opens my lock for me. I put my books away and start to look at my schedule before it gets ripped from my hands.
"Sick we have 4 out of 6 classes together today!" He fist pumps the air before grabbing my hand and taking me to maths.
After maths jack walked me to my next class. He's so cute, he didn't have drama with me but still took me to class. As I walk in I see Jerry and I run to him.
"Hey Jerry can I spend this lesson with you, it's just I'm kinda nervous!" I say starting to get worried again. He nods and we sit down together.
"Ok , class we are going to do some scenes so partner up and then create something to show the class." Our teacher says excitedly.
"Hey Jerry can I be your partner?" I ask
"Of course, lets get it on girl!" He shouts.
And with that we created a master piece about a family event. We put lots of different props and costumes put on the floor and every time we changed character we'd put on a different voice and then chance prop or costume piece and by the time we had finished everyone was laughing their asses off.
"I'm proud of us jer!" I say and give him a big hug.
"We're the dream team!" He laughs and with that I head off to my next class.
After drama the classes went pretty slow. And lunch was worse I sat with jack, Kim, Jerry, Milton and Eddie but frank kept coming up to me and saying things like "how's your day going baby cakes and wow your hot want me to take you out!" Like go away !
Finally it's the last class of the day I'm sat next to jack and we are just chatting while we finish our English essays on William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. And finishing that we were done for the day. I packed up my things and left but before I could leave the school grounds frank grabbed me.
"How about that kiss !" He smirks
"Get away from my little sister!" James screams at him and he backs off. Before running for his life.
"Oh so now you want to know me!" I shout at him. He rolls his eyes
"I saved your life!" He spits
"No you didn't you stop a boy from kissing me! But this morning you couldn't careless what happened to me. So go on go be cool and leave me to rot!" I scream before running home, I love my brother but he can be a real jerk sometimes. I decided I would go to the dojo let off some steam before going home and saying sorry to my brother.

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