The double date

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I quickly ran home from school to get ready for this date whoever I'd be dating would make this very interesting, I don't really like anyone but jack, but I'm going to give this date a chance. I do some make up fix my hair and quickly Change into a cute dress putting on my new heels. And with that I get ready to leave making sure I have money and lip gloss in my bag. Once ready I quickly walk down stairs and wait by the window for Kim, who should be here any minute.
My stomach is doing small flips and I'm starting to get nervous , why though it's not like I like whoever I'm going on this date with.
*knock knock!*
Oh god I feel sick I quickly open the door to see Kim and my brother! Ewwww no!
"What are you doing here James ?" I question silently begging him not to be coming on my first double date.
"I'm going on a date with Kim!" He laughs
"I mean about time but on my first date here in Seaford!" I cry out.
"Sorry y/n!" Kim says and gives me a small smile I roll my eyes and walk out to the taxi that is taking us to the restaurant.
Getting out of the car we walk to the table and their i see Danny. Great I thought maybe it would be jack but now I'm not only on a double date with my brother and best friend I'm on a date with a guy I don't even like.
"Hey wow you look stunning!" Danny says I smile and thank him quietly sitting down next to him. We make small talk for a while until the waitress comes over. She's very pretty and I can see Danny looking at her in awe.
"Hey what can I get ya!" She smiles.
"I'm going to have a burger and her she'll take a salad!" Danny says never taking his eyes off the waitress and just ordering for me. My brother looks at me in confusion knowing I wouldn't order a salad. I roll my eyes as Danny continues to look at the waitress as she walks away.
"Here's yours! enjoy!" She smiles and give Danny her number. I roll my eyes and play with the salad. I can't believe this is happening. I'm sat at a table with my best friend and brother who are flirting and being all lovey and a guy who'd rather be on a date with the waitress.
Finally the date was over and I decide I'm going to walk home because Kim and James were probably going to kiss and my date had disappeared with out saying good bye. On my way home I get a text from James.
To y/n
Hey sis I know this is a bit awkward but Kim's gonna come in and watch a movie with me hope that's ok. See you soon
From James
Great I can't even go home and relax. I see the dojo's lights are on and start to walk towards it. I left my Gigi here so I might just train for a while take my mind off things. Opening the doors I see jack in some shorts and a white shirt.
"Hey jack, mind if I stay for a bit ?" I ask feeling defeated. He looks up at me and nods.
"How'd the date go ?" He questions
"Pretty shit! I kinda wish I just stayed here." I say grabbing my stuff from my locker.
"Why's that ?" He asks giving me a sad smile
"He wanted to date the waitress and now Kim's at my house with my brother watching a movie!" I sigh
"Wow that sucks, at least you looked amazing." He chuckles.
"Thanks you always know how to cheer me up!" I smile getting some boards and breaking them.
"Good job!" Jack says clearly impressed.
"Thanks jack. I know this will sound weird but can I have a hug. I just need one right now!" I whisper feeling like crying.
"Of course (your nick name)!" He says wrapping his arms around me. I cry into his chest for a minute just feeling like I wasn't worth anything.
"Must have been a really bad date!" Jack says trying to lighten the mood. I look up into his beautiful eyes and nod
"it was worse than bad!" I laugh, giving him a small smile.
"Hey why don't you come to mine and we will watch a movie together?" He smirks.
"Yeah sounds good let me just get changed and then we can head to yours?" I smile quickly running to get changed.

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