Back to school

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God I don't think I can do this. I don't know what to wear or do what if jack knows I was off to avoid him. God I feel sick again. I take a few deep breaths before pushing myself off the bed. I walk to my wardrobe and grab one of the new cute outfits me and Kim has brought yesterday. I look at my phone and see the text I never opened from jack.
To y/n
Hey (y/n/n), I'm sorry about the kiss. If that's why your off today I feel like such a jerk. Please talk to me. I miss you
From jack
I look at his message about ten times before I decide to reply.
To jack
Hi jack, I'm fine yesterday was just a rough day. Don't feel bad about the kiss it was my fault but I'm over it and I understand you probably want to just be friends can't wait to see you today xx
From (y/n)
The message made me want to cry I loved jack and I felt so stupid but if he wanted to be friends I could live with that it means I still have him in my life and I'm happy with that. I continue getting changed before walking down stairs to get some breakfast. After breakfast me and James got ready to leave.
Walking to school James seemed nervous. It was scary he never really seemed nervous around me.
"J what's up? You've been scratching you neck like you have fleas?" I joke trying to lighten the mood.
"I really like Kim!" He blurts out I look at him before rolling my eyes.
" you sure cause the last of my friends you liked you dumped them in a week!" I say trying to keep calm.
"God I knew you'd do this, your such a brat!" He shouts walking away from me.
"Great!" I quickly run to catch up with him "no I mean do you really like her?" He nods
"Of course I really like her!"
"Ok then if you like her I'll trust you. You can ask her out but please don't ruin my friendship with her!" I beg he smiles before saying "your the best!" And we continued to walk to school. I was getting more and more nervous with each step I took. I don't only have to worry about seeing jack I need to worry about Kim and James and this double date tomorrow. God I feel like I'm gonna be sick. I walk into the school butterflies in my stomach only to see jack waiting by my locker.
"Hey, your going on a double date with Kim ?" He asks I see a hint of jealousy in his eyes but I ignore it.
"Yeah I guess." I say not very excited about it.
" oh do you know who you guys are gonna date?" He questions god he's really interested in this!
"Ummm no Kim's setting it up she thought it would cheer me up after the kiss you know." Jacks smile fades
"I'm really sorry about the kiss. You look really nice today!" He smiles sadly.
"Hey it's ok. If we didn't kiss I wouldn't have got a date! Or this new outfit!" I joke trying to lighten the mood but only making myself feel worse. I didn't want to go on a date if it wasn't with jack.
Jacks pov
I can't believe she's going on a date with someone else. I want her to date me. I want her to dress up like this for me god I'm such an idiot. Why did I kiss her and then leave , we were having such a good time and I screwed it up.
"Yeah well whoever it is they are very lucky, look at you your stunning!" I say trying to act cool but clearly coming off upset.
"Hey i would look this good for you any day of the week all you have to do is ask me out Jackie!" She says squeezing my cheeks. God she's hot.
"Yeah maybe I will!" I say acting cocky and as I talk I walk towards her trapping her between me and her locker. God I wanted to kiss her again.
"Well maybe you should hurry up because I am going on that double date soon!" She pokes my chest. Pushing me away from her giggling she walks to her first class leaving me to stare after her.
"Hey jack, ummm so as you know (y/n) and I are going on a double date. So don't get jealous ok." Kim said before running off to class why would she tell me that.

Kim pov
I see jack talking to (y/n) and I can see the jealousy in his eyes as she talks about her date. God they have so much tension between them.
I walk to him telling him not to be jealous I walk away quickly before trying to think about who I could set (y/n) on a date with.
Then I see Danny. He's a sweet guy but not at all (y/n)s type but he will do. Now I just got to get me a date. The I see James god I like him. I walk to him gathering all my courage, and asking him on a date, before skipping up to Danny and asking him to come on the date too. They both said yes and then head off to class. After school I set off to get a table at the fancy restaurant for our date.

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