Shadow Infested

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(Izuku pov)
'I need to find some real friends I can't just rely on Nemi and Kacchan all the time but first I want to go explore that forest behind the house'

(??? Pov)

(Izuku pov)
'No way. That giant shadow. Is that his quirk? He looks like he needs help, he said he needs light i can handle that

(No one pov)
Izuku turns on his god powers and with one thrust of his wing a huge blast of air cleanly takes off the roof of the cave making sunshine leak in hitting dark shadow until it is merely a little shadow hiding next to the boy

(??? Pov)
Thank you. I lost control of my quirk, my name is Fumikage tokoyami, and yours? "Oh no problem my name is izuku I don't really know what my last name is it used to be midoriya but anyway just call me izuku, by the way why are you out here?" Well izuku my parents were just killed by a villain and the villains hid me in that cave hoping that when my quirk went out of control it would kill me since they were scared of it, so now I'm going to live in the forest. "I know we just met but if you want I can ask if you stay with me and my sister might be able to help catch the villains she's a real hero!" Are you sure that would be okay? What if my quirk goes out of control or the villains attack your family? I couldn't live with the guilt.

(Izuku pov)
Listen here, the only family I have is my big sister Nemuri and she's a pro hero and a teacher at UA so she's super strong, my parents are out of the picture and my sister could probably calm down your quirk and I'm really strong too so i can help protect you to toko. "T-thank you izuku u can't thank you enough for this but I want your sister to be okay with it first" of course so let's go to mine it's really close to here. "By the way izuku what is your sisters hero name?" She's the hero... Midnight.

(Tokoyami pov)
Izuku... your sister is hot. Not to be disrespectful in anyway but it has to be said, she is very incredibly hot. "I know but don't try any funny business she's mine" but you're brother and sister? "Well we're not actually blood related so technically it's perfectly fine and she's only 6 years older than me, by the way that's us here I'll go talk to Nemi" okay, I am sincerely thankful for everything you have done for me, izuku.

(Midnight pov)
Hmm Fumikage Tokoyami you say? I know the boys uncle, the pro hero hawks. I don't think he speaks to his family but I'm sure if I tell him the circumstances he will take in little Tokoyami but until then he can stay with us which means he'll be taking your room and you'll stay with me izu. Now go invite him in please. "Thank you nemi I love you so much"

(No ones pov)
Izuku jumps up and gives nemi a kiss on her cheek and runs to the door and drags tokoyami inside and shows him his room and tells him about hawks, with both boys ecstatic they run outside into the garden and start light sparring for fun while nemi just watches with a smile while calling hawks.

(Midnight pov)
'Well izu you're already on the way to becoming a hero you saved little tokoyami today I'm proud of you'. Hello hawks this is midnight, your brother and his wife have allegedly been killed by villain and your nephew tokoyami was left to die but he's now safe with me and izu, do you think you can take him in?

(Hawks pov)
Hold on I'll be right over and tell izuku I have something for him too, see you soon nemuri. 'Hmm this is a lot to handle but I'll stay strong and help tokoyami I know that's what they'd want and I get to see nemuri again this is finally my chance to get her to be mine'

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